
hosts, seasonality and geographic distribution of the south african tortoise tick, amblyomma marmoreum.the tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum was collected from large numbers of reptiles and other animals during the course of numerous surveys conducted in south africa. a total of 1229 ticks, of which 550 were adults, were recovered from 309 reptiles belonging to 13 species, with leopard tortoises, geochelone pardalis being the most heavily infested. the 269 birds sampled harboured 4901 larvae, 217 nymphs and no adult ticks, and the prevalence of infestation was greatest on helmeted guineafowls, nu ...200616715875
the helminth community of helmeted guineafowls, numida meleagris (linnaeus, 1758), in the north of limpopo province, south africa.the helminths of 15 helmeted guineafowls were collected in the north of limpopo province, south africa. a total of 11 cestode, ten nematode and a single acanthocephalan species were present. species richness ranged from 8 to 16 species per host, and nine core and nine secondary species accounted for 40.9% of the component parasite community. the remaining 18.2% comprised satellite species. core species represented 91% of all the worms present. individual intensities ranged from 66 to 2,724 per h ...200819040137
helminths of guineafowls in limpopo province, south africa.between july 2005 and november 2006 the gastro-intestinal helminths of 15 helmeted guineafowls and a single crested guineafowl from musina, limpopo province were examined, and in july and august 2005 helminths were collected from five helmeted guineafowls from mokopane in the same province. the acanthocephalan mediorhynchus gallinarum, the cestodes abuladzugnia gutterae, davainea nana, hymenolepis cantaniana, numidella numida, octopetalum numida, ortleppolepis multiuncinata, porogynia paronai, r ...200718453236
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