
hepatitis b (hbv), hepatitis c (hcv) and hepatitis delta (hdv) viruses in the colombian population-how is the epidemiological situation?viral hepatitis b, c and delta still remain a serious problem worldwide. in colombia, data from 1980s described that hbv and hdv infection are important causes of hepatitis, but little is known about hcv infection. the aim of this study was to determine the currently frequency of hbv, hcv and hdv in four different colombian regions.201121559488
viral hepatitis in colombia: a study of the "hepatitis of the sierra nevada de santa marta".the prevalences of hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis delta virus and hepatitis a virus infections were studied in two regions of colombia. in bogota, 10 of 53 patients with acute hepatitis were hbsag positive and three of these were hepatitis d antigen positive. hepatitis a virus was the major cause of acute hepatitis in this group. in 366 healthy controls from bogota, 1.6% were hbsag positive and 7.1% had at least one marker of hbv infection. in northern colombia, individuals from three villag ...19853979961
epidemiologic aspects of santa marta hepatitis over a 40-year period."santa marta" hepatitis has been recognized as an unusual type of severe hepatitis occurring in northern colombia since 1930. liver specimens from a historic viscerotomy series, used by gast-galvis to identify cases and describe epidemiologic features of this disease, were available for review and histopathologic staining for delta-virus. of 86 liver specimens examined from cases of fulminant santa marta hepatitis, 81 showed a distinct histopathologic picture, in various stages of progression, w ...19863793006
specific histologic features of santa marta hepatitis: a severe form of hepatitis delta-virus infection in northern south america.stimulated by observations in an outbreak of hepatitis delta-virus infection among yucpa indians in venezuela, in which unusual histologic features were found, we studied 100 cases of fatal hepatitis from colombia, south america, which had been obtained by autopsy or viscerotomy. these cases were considered to be "santa marta hepatitis," or "hepatitis of the sierra nevada de santa marta," which has been observed in this region for more than 40 years. of the 100 cases, 19 had a variety of histolo ...19863793005
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