infection with hepatitis c virus among health care workers in the brazilian western amazon region (rio branco, state of acre). | clinical and epidemiologic studies on the hepatitis c virus (hcv) in the western brazilian amazon region are scarce. however, reports of clinical cases of hepatitis or pathologies associated to the hcv infection are frequent. in the state of acre, there have been no studies on the population with the greatest exposure to parenteral transmission of virus infection. the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of hcv infection among health care workers (hcws) in this region. of 2,33 ... | 2007 | 17255246 |
hdv genotypes in the western brazilian amazon region: a preliminary report. | in brazil, hepatitis delta virus (hdv) is only reported in western amazonia, where severe cases of acute and chronic hdv hepatitis have been described. the study area was chosen in the states of acre and rondonia where most cases of hepatitis b virus (hbv)/hdv are reported. from december 2003 to october 2004, 40 hbsag carriers with anti-hdv igm were selected. an epidemiologic questionnaire, including demographic and clinical/epidemiologic variables was filled out. hdv amplification and genotypin ... | 2006 | 16968924 |
seroprevalence of viral hepatitis in riverine communities from the western region of the brazilian amazon basin. | the western region of the brazilian amazon basin has long been shown to be a highly endemic area for hepatitis b and hepatitis d viruses. data concerning the prevalence of hepatitis c and e viruses in this region are still scarce. in this study we investigated the presence of hepatitis a, b, c, d and e viruses infection in communities that live along the purus and acre rivers in the states of acre and amazonas within the amazon basin. a total of 349 blood samples were collected and tested for he ... | 2001 | 11784933 |
hepatitis delta virus infection and labrea hepatitis. prevalence and role in fulminant hepatitis in the amazon basin. | to define more exactly the epidemiology of delta virus infection and confirm its role in causing fulminant labrea hepatitis in the amazon basin, we studied the prevalence of delta virus infection among persons with acute and chronic hepatitis b virus infection in the boca do acre district of the southern amazon basin. delta virus infection was found in 24% of asymptomatic hepatitis b virus carriers, 29% of acute nonfulminant hepatitis b cases, 74% of fulminant hepatitis b cases, and 100% of chro ... | 1987 | 3599343 |