
prevalence of infection with hepatitis delta virus (hdv) among carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen in amazonas state, brazil.serum samples were non-randomly obtained from apparently healthy inhabitants of 5 villages in the amazonas state, brazil. sera were tested by enzyme immunoassay for the presence of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and, if this was found, for antibody to hepatitis delta virus (hdv). of 574 people tested, 96 (16.7%) were reactive for hbsag and 33 of these (34.4%) for anti-hdv. the results were analysed according to sex, age and history of jaundice and showed a high prevalence of hepatitis b vir ...19883232188
unexpected low prevalence of delta antibodies in the east amazon region and são paulo: evidence for regional differences in the epidemiology of delta hepatitis virus within brazil.antibodies (anti-hd) to hepatitis delta virus (hdv) were tested by radioimmunoassay in 207 human serum samples from the eastern amazon (states of pará and amapá) and são paulo, brazil. 42 amazon hbsag asymptomatic carriers were negative for anti-hd. 84 são paulo hbsag asymptomatic carriers were also negative. among the 81 hbsag patients from são paulo with different liver diseases, only one had anti-hd. liver biopsy of this chronic active hepatitis case was positive for hbsag, hbcag and hdag in ...19873445327
epidemiological aspects of hepatitis b and d virus infection in the northern region of amazonas, brazil.the state of amazonas in the brazilian amazon region is an area of high prevalence of hepatitis b and d virus (hbv and hdv) infection. the aim of this study was to identify epidemiological patterns and risk factors of hbv and hdv infections in barcelos, in the basin of the negro river. a random sample (798 in all) of the total population in the urban area and in 2 rural villages was surveyed. a standardized questionnaire was used and blood samples were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ...19958560515
seroprevalence of viral hepatitis in riverine communities from the western region of the brazilian amazon basin.the western region of the brazilian amazon basin has long been shown to be a highly endemic area for hepatitis b and hepatitis d viruses. data concerning the prevalence of hepatitis c and e viruses in this region are still scarce. in this study we investigated the presence of hepatitis a, b, c, d and e viruses infection in communities that live along the purus and acre rivers in the states of acre and amazonas within the amazon basin. a total of 349 blood samples were collected and tested for he ...200111784933
epidemiology of viruses causing chronic hepatitis among populations from the amazon basin and related ecosystems.on the last twenty years, viral hepatitis has emerged as a serious problem in almost all the amerindian communities studied in the amazon basin and in other amazon-related ecological systems from the north and center of south america. studies performed on communities from bolivia, brazil, colombia, peru and venezuela have shown a high endemicity of the hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection all over the region, which is frequently associated to a high prevalence of infection by hepatitis d virus amon ...200414999325
[hepatitis b and d virus infection within amerindians ethnic groups in the brazilian amazon: epidemiological aspects].several studies describe very high prevalence rates of infection and disease of hepatitis b and d within native american population. this is a review of what has been described among amerindians of brazilian amazon. some groups show low prevalence rates of hbsag, whereas, others of the same region reveal high endemic pattern, even among individuals less then 10 years of age. hdv is only found in groups of amazonas province. transmission may occur by interfamilial dissemination or sexual contact ...200415586891
high prevalence of hepatitis b virus and hepatitis d virus in the western brazilian amazon.severe cases of hepatitis caused by hepatitis b virus (hbv) or hepatitis d virus (hdv) are often seen in the brazilian amazon, but there is a paucity of epidemiologic studies on viral hepatitis in this area. thus, a cross-sectional study to investigate the prevalence of markers for hbv and hdv was performed. serum samples were collected after participants completed an epidemiologic questionnaire. markers for hbv and hdv were analyzed with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the hbv genotype wa ...200516222030
low prevalence of hepatitis b virus, hepatitis d virus and hepatitis c virus among patients with human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the brazilian amazon basin.comorbidities in human immunodeficiency virus infection are of great interest due to their association with unfavorable outcomes and failure of antiretroviral therapy. this study evaluated the prevalence of coinfection by human immunodeficiency virus and viral hepatitis in an endemic area for hepatitis b in the western amazon basin. serological markers for hepatitis b virus, hepatitis c virus and hepatitis d virus were tested in a consecutive sample of all patients referred for treatment of huma ...200617308694
hepatitis d and b virus genotypes in chronically infected patients from the eastern amazon basin.hepatitis d virus (hdv) is a defective hepatotropic virus whose infectivity is dependent on hepatitis b virus (hbv). hdv super- or co-infection leads to an increased risk of fulminant hepatitis or progression to severe chronic liver disease in hbv infected patients. the brazilian amazon basin has been reported to be endemic for hbv and hdv, especially in the western amazon basin. in this region, hdv infection is frequently associated with acute fulminant hepatitis with characteristic histologic ...200818420172
hepatitis b virus and hepatitis delta virus genotypes in outbreaks of fulminant hepatitis (labrea black fever) in the western brazilian amazon region.the genotypes of hepatitis b (hbv) and delta (hdv) viruses circulating among fulminant hepatitis cases from the western amazon basin of brazil were characterized in this study. hbv and hdv isolates were obtained from liver samples from 14 patients who developed fulminant hepatitis and died during 1978-1989. hbv dna and hdv rna were detected in all samples. phylogenetic analyses of hdv sequences showed that they all clustered with previously characterized sequences of hdv genotype 3 (hdv-3). hbv ...200919605587
hepatitis delta virus genotype 8 infection in northeast brazil: inheritance from african slaves?hepatitis delta virus (hdv) is endemic worldwide, but its prevalence varies in different geographical areas. while in the brazilian amazon, hdv is known to be endemic and to represent a significant public health problem, few studies have assessed its prevalence in other regions in the country. this study evaluated the seroprevalence of hdv among hbsag chronic carriers from maranhão state, a region located in the northeast of brazil. among 133 patients, 5 had anti-hd, of whom 3 had hdv rna. hdv g ...201121798297
hepatitis d virus infection in the western brazilian amazon - far from a vanishing disease.a decline in hepatitis d virus (hdv) occurrence was described in europe and asia. we estimated hdv prevalence in the brazilian amazon following hepatitis b vaccination.201223295870
molecular epidemiology of hepatitis b and hepatitis delta viruses circulating in the western amazon region, north brazil.hepatitis b virus (hbv) and hepatitis d virus (hdv) represent important public health problems in the western amazon region with reported cases of fulminant hepatitis. this cross sectional study describes hbv and hdv genotypes circulating in the brazilian amazon region.201424555665
the hepatitis delta genotype 8 in northeast brazil: the north atlantic slave trade as the potential route for infection.hepatitis delta virus (hdv) is not well known, even though hdv and hepatitis b virus (hbv) co-infection leads to severe forms of acute and chronic liver diseases. hdv is endemic in the western amazon region. recently, the hdv genotype 8 was found in chronic patients followed at the center for liver studies in the northeast brazil, maranhão. previous studies suggested that this genotype was introduced in maranhão during the slave trade. the presence of hdv in that study, which was done outside th ...201627515509
characterization of the genotypic profile of hepatitis delta virus: isolation of hdv genotype-1 in the western amazon region of brazil.the hepatitis delta virus (hdv) is a hepatotropic subvirus that is dependent on the hepatitis b virus (hbv) and supplies the viral envelope containing the surface antigen of hepatitis b. viral genetic diversity is related to the geographical origin of the isolates, and there are at least eight genotypes that are referred to as hdv-1 through hdv-8. hdv-3 is responsible for epidemics of severe and fulminant hepatitis, which are common in northeastern south america. hdv-3 is prevalent in the brazil ...201526112316
development of a reverse transcription quantitative real-time pcr-based system for rapid detection and quantitation of hepatitis delta virus in the western amazon region of brazil.the hepatitis delta virus (hdv) is a pathogen that causes a severe and rapidly progressive disease of hepatocytes. the measurement of viral load in the peripheral blood of patients with hdv infections is important for diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and support for follow-up studies of viral replication during the course of the disease. this study reports the development of an assay capable of detecting and quantifying the abundance of hdv particles in serum samples, based on reverse-transcript ...201424316446
molecular characterization of the hepatitis b virus in autochthonous and endogenous populations in the western brazilian amazon.hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection is a serious public health issue worldwide. hepatitis b virus is classified into eight genotypes, varying from a to h, with distinct geographical distributions. in brazil, the most frequent genotypes are a, d, and f.201222370821
correlation between th1 response standard cytokines as biomarkers in patients with the delta virus in the western brazilian amazon.hepatitis d virus (hdv) is endemic in the amazon region and its pathophysiology is the most severe among viral hepatitis. treatment is performed with pegylated interferon and the immune response appears to be important for infection control. hdv patients were studied: untreated and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) positive (n = 9), anti-hdv positive and pcr negative (n = 8), and responders to treatment (n = 12). the cytokines, interleukin (il)-2 (p = 0.0008) and il-12 (p = 0.02) were differential ...201627074258
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