
antibodies to hepatitis delta virus in intravenous drug addicts and male homosexuals in a study to determine the incidence of infection with hepatitis delta virus (hdv) in high-risk groups in spain, tests to detect serological markers of infection with hepatitis b virus (hbv) and total antibodies against hdv (anti-hdv) were performed in serum samples from 451 unselected intravenous drug addicts and 168 homosexual or bisexual men. most samples were obtained from primary health care units in madrid. in drug addicts 87.4% of samples were positive for hbv markers and 15.1% were posi ...19883141166
prevalence of hepatitis b, c, and d markers in sub-saharan african immigrants.we determined the prevalence of hepatitis b, c, and d virus markers in a cohort of 229 (adult group, n = 187; pediatric group, n = 42) asymptomatic sub-saharan african immigrants recently arrived to madrid, spain. evidence of a recent or past hepatitis b virus infection marker was seen in 68 of 187 (36.4%) adults and in 14 of 42 (33.3%) children. the rate of chronic carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen in the entire population was 10.9% (25 of 229). anti-hepatitis c virus antibodies were seen ...19979451681
liver cirrhosis in hiv-infected patients: prevalence, aetiology and clinical outcome.liver disease is frequently seen in hiv+ patients as a result of coinfection with hepatitis b (hbv) or c (hcv) viruses, alcohol abuse and/or exposure to hepatotoxic drugs. the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of liver cirrhosis, its main causes and clinical presentation in hiv+ patients. observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study of all hiv+ individuals followed at one reference hiv outpatient clinic in madrid. liver fibrosis was measured in all cases using transient elast ...200818233989
[prevalences of hepatitis virus coinfection and indications for chronic hepatitis c virus treatment and liver transplantation in spanish hiv-infected patients. the gesida 29/02 and fipse 12185/01 multicenter study].the aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of hiv and hepatitis virus coinfection in the spanish population and to determine the percentage of patients who are candidates for chronic hepatitis c virus (hcv) treatment and liver transplantation within this population.200515970166
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