[seroprevalence of anti-delta antibodies in hospital workers in dakar]. | 708 hospital workers in chu of dakar were tested to hbs antigen: among them 128 were positive and tested to delta antibody by elisa abbott kit. seven men and one woman were positive; however the positivity to delta antibody is neither linked to sex, nor to age. 87% of the delta antibody carriers were found among the trainees, and 50% of them studied in the odonto-stomatology institute. | 1992 | 1345091 |
infection due to hepatitis delta virus in africa: report from senegal and review. | a review of the literature shows strong variations in the prevalence of hepatitis delta virus (hdv) among africans seropositive for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag). in senegal, west africa, prevalence of antibodies to hdv among asymptomatic hbsag carriers appears to be linked to regional and/or socioeconomic factors. antibodies to hdv were found in 22 (47%) of 47 hbsag-seropositive patients with liver disease who were hospitalized in the main hospital of dakar and in 4% to 44% of asymptomati ... | 1992 | 1554840 |
prevalence of hepatitis b markers among hospital workers in senegal. | a total of 775 serum samples from men and women working in hospitals in dakar, senegal, were tested for serological markers of hepatitis b virus (hbv). hbsag was detected in 17.8% of the subjects, and 79.2% of the subjects were anti-hbc positive. among hbsag carriers 0.04% (5) subjects were hbeag positive, 0.03% (4) were hbv-dna positive, and 5.8% (8) were also anti-delta positive. hbsag seropositivity was independent of sex and inversely related to age. duration of service in the hospital was a ... | 1989 | 2786051 |
[viral markers of acute hepatitis: a, b, c, d, and e in dakar. october 92 - october 93]. | inside of 95 patients presented in hospital with presumed hepatitis: 77 were recruted with liver cytolysis (amino-transferases at > 80 ui/ml) and included in this study. study of serologic viral markers (a, b, c, d and e type) permited to prove viral acute hepatitis infection and 49 patients were recruted inside the 77 cytolytic cases. inside these 49 cases: 44% presented enteritic contamination with hav/hev markers, 36% with hbv markers: hbs/hbc, 6% with hbs/hbe markers, 10% with hdv marker, 4% ... | 1993 | 7758379 |
[hepatitis c virus and chronic hepatopathies in dakar: case-control study]. | in black africa, the role of hepatitis c virus (hcv) in the onset of chronic hepatic disease is unclear. this is particularly true in senegal where the prevalence of hcv is moderate. to gain insight into this question, a case-control study including 73 patients and 73 controls was carried out at principal hospital in dakar in 1995. the patients included in this study presented chronic hepatitis in 2 cases cirrhosis in 25 and hepatocellular carcinoma in 46. patients and controls underwent serolog ... | 2000 | 10989787 |
molecular epidemiology of hepatitis b virus in dakar, sénégal. | using dna chip technology and real-time quantitative pcr, molecular profile of hbv strains infecting blood donors and patients in dakar, sénégal was studied. all hbsag-positive blood donors (n = 175) and all patients who presented with chronic hepatitis b (n = 29) between 1st june 2003 and 31st july 2003 were studied. one patient, a blood donor, was coinfected by hcv, and nine patients had anti-hdv antibodies. few persons in either group were hbeag-positive. viral load values were relatively low ... | 2006 | 16419106 |