
molecular epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility of burkholderia cepacia-complex isolates from an italian cystic fibrosis order to further understanding of how different isolates of burkholderia cepacia complex persist, spread and cause disease, b. cepacia-complex isolates from 60 patients attending the cystic fibrosis centre of verona, italy, between 1997 and 2002 were analyzed. strains were examined for species, presence of putative epidemic and virulence markers (i.e., cbla and the b. cepacia epidemic-strain marker [bcesm]), genetic relatedness and antibiotic susceptibility. forty-five percent of patients wer ...200616501927
a napkin-associated outbreak of burkholderia cenocepacia bacteraemia in haemodialysis patients.this article reports a catheter-related outbreak of bacteraemia involving 38 patients in two haemodialysis units in verona. burkholderia cepacia complex strains were isolated from human blood and from an individually wrapped disinfection napkin that was contained in a commercially available, sterile dressing kit used to handle central venous catheters. micro-organisms isolated from blood cultures and from the napkin were identified by standard procedures and confirmed as b. cenocepacia (genomova ...200616859809
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