
fluoride exposure in cervids inhabiting areas adjacent to aluminum smelters in norway. i. residue levels.mandibular fluorine concentrations were determined in 1,425 red deer (cervus elaphus), 240 moose (alces alces), and 424 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) collected in norway from 1990 to 1993 in seven municipalities in which aluminum smelters are located, in eight neighboring municipalities, and in eight reference areas representing background levels. background fluorine concentration was significantly correlated with age in all three species. roe deer had the highest mean background fluorine level ...19968722253
effects of age, sex and density on body weight of norwegian red deer: evidence of density-dependent senescence.there are only a few recent studies that have demonstrated senescence in ungulates and nothing is known regarding how patterns of senescence may vary as a function of density senescence in general is linked to the cost of reproduction, which probably increases with density in ungulates and may differ between the sexes. further, senescence in ungulates is also regarded to be a function of tooth wear rates. as density dependence and sexual differences in food choice have been well documented, this ...200111370963
multiple causes of sexual segregation in european red deer: enlightenments from varying breeding phenology at high and low latitude.sexual segregation outside the mating season occurs in most species of sexually dimorphic ungulates and has been extensively described in the literature, but the mechanisms causing segregation are still debated. the detailed pattern of sexual segregation throughout the year has rarely been presented for mammals, and no study, to our knowledge, has used latitudinal-related variation in breeding phenology to shed light on the underlying mechanisms. recent methodological developments have made it p ...200415255042
campylobacter spp., salmonella spp., verocytotoxic escherichia coli, and antibiotic resistance in indicator organisms in wild cervids.faecal samples were collected, as part of the national health surveillance program for cervids (hop) in norway, from wild red deer, roe deer, moose and reindeer during ordinary hunting seasons from 2001 to 2003. samples from a total of 618 animals were examined for verocytotoxic e. coli (vtec); 611 animals for salmonella and 324 animals for campylobacter. a total of 50 samples were cultivated from each cervid species in order to isolate the indicator bacterial species e. coli and enterococcus fa ...200516108210
importance of climatological downscaling and plant phenology for red deer in heterogeneous landscapes.understanding how climate influences ecosystems represents a challenge in ecology and natural resource management. although we know that climate affects plant phenology and herbivore performances at any single site, no study has directly coupled the topography-climate interaction (i.e. the climatological downscaling process) with large-scale vegetation dynamics and animal performances. here we show how climatic variability (measured by the north atlantic oscillation 'nao') interacts with local t ...200516243701
hierarchical path analysis of deer responses to direct and indirect effects of climate in northern forest.a problem in climate studies has been on how to treat causal chains of explanations and both direct and indirect effects. mammals in strongly seasonal environments of the boreal forest typically lose condition during winter and gain mass (and reproduce) during the summer season when biomass and plant quality peak. mass decay of large herbivores during winter is due to direct effects of winter weather, such as increased costs of movement, thermoregulation and reduced access to food when snow is d ...200818006411
temporal scales, trade-offs, and functional responses in red deer habitat selection.animals selecting habitats often have to consider many factors, e.g., food and cover for safety. however, each habitat type often lacks an adequate mixture of these factors. analyses of habitat selection using resource selection functions (rsfs) for animal radiotelemetry data typically ignore trade-offs, and the fact that these may change during an animal's daily foraging and resting rhythm on a short-term basis. this may lead to changes in the relative use of habitat types if availability diffe ...200919341140
investigating the interaction between ungulate grazing and resource effects on vaccinium myrtillus populations with integral projection models.dense ungulate populations in forest accompanied by high grazing intensities have the potential to affect plant population dynamics, and such herbivory effects on populations are hypothesised to differ along environmental gradients. we investigated red deer grazing and resource interaction effects on the performance and dynamics of the functionally important boreal shrub vaccinium myrtillus using integral projection models (ipms). we sampled data from 900 v. myrtillus ramets in 30 plots in two c ...201020499103
experimental infection in lambs with a red deer (cervus elaphus) isolate of anaplasma phagocytophilum.anaplasma phagocytophilum transmitted by ixodes spp. ticks is the causative agent of tick-borne fever (tbf) in domestic ruminants. tbf is widespread along the coast of southern norway and may cause a severe problem for the sheep industry. red deer (cervus elaphus) are important hosts for ticks and have been found to be infected naturally with a. phagocytophilum. however, it is unclear whether red deer could serve as reservoir hosts for a. phagocytophilum infections in sheep. we infected lambs ex ...201020688686
composition and some quality characteristics of the longissimus muscle of reindeer in norway compared to farmed new zealand red deer.norwegian reindeer of finnmark county live under harsh conditions on extensive feed sources. thus the meat may have special qualities. m. longissimus lumborum from 30 animals was investigated with respect to carcass and meat quality and compositional/nutritional characteristics. meat from calves had a higher myofibrillar fragmentation index and tenderness, and had lighter, redder and more yellow colour than meat from adult reindeer. regarding nutritional compounds the meat from calves had lower ...201121757298
development and application of a delayed-release anthelmintic intra-ruminal bolus system for experimental manipulation of nematode worm order to quantify the impact of parasites on host population dynamics, experimental manipulations that perturb the parasite-host relationship are needed but, logistically, this is difficult for wild hosts. here, we describe the use of a delayed-release anthelmintic delivery system that can be administered when the hosts can be captured and its activity delayed until a more appropriate period in the host-parasite cycle. our model system is svalbard reindeer infected with a nematode parasite, m ...201222417532
how many routes lead to migration? comparison of methods to assess and characterize migratory movements.decreasing rate of migration in several species as a consequence of climate change and anthropic pressure, together with increasing evidence of space-use strategies intermediate between residency and complete migration, are very strong motivations to evaluate migration occurrence and features in animal populations. the main goal of this paper was to perform a relative comparison between methods for identifying and characterizing migration at the individual and population level on the basis of an ...201626412564
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