
[seroepidemiological investigations on the prevalence of rickettsial antibodies in man in the federal republic of germany (author's transl)].1,600 random serum samples from inhabitants of hesse were investigated for rickettsial antibodies by complement fixation test. antibodies were found in 19 samples (1,2%) against rmsf-group antigen with titers between 1:10 and 1:640. these results confirm recent reports on natural foci of such rickettsial infections in the federal republic of germany. antibodies against rickettsia of the typhus-group or coxiella burnetii could not be detected by the complement fixation reaction. none of the sera ...1977410727
[comparative studies of guinea pig and mouse tests for the detection of coxiella burnetii--and a study of q fever distribution in south and central hessen]. 19846368176
q fever outbreak--germany, may 1996, the health department of marburg-biedenkopf in marburg, hessen, germany, was notified of a cluster of persons with high and persistent fever who resided in a rural town (rollshausen [1996 population:300]) and in five surrounding towns approximately 0.5-2.0 miles from rollshausen, in the district of lohra. serologic testing of some patients by local health authorities suggested acute q fever. in germany, q fever is a reportable disease and 27-100 cases are reported annually; during 1 ...19979011780
[coxiella burnetii as zoonotic pathogen with special regard to food hygiene].in hesse, germany, bulk milk of farms producing raw milk cheese is examined by pcr for coxiella burnetii yearly. in 2003 the pathogen has been detected unusually frequent. by means of two examples the hygienic measures are shown, which were initiated by the veterinary administration. to detect coxiella burnetii means always the preoccupation with unsolved questions. it is particularly uncertain, whether there is a risk of oral infection for the human being. from the point of view of food hygiene ...200415469060
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