
[a review of q fever in the canary islands]. 19979102680
seroprevalence of infection by coxiella burnetii in canary islands (spain).the aims of our study were: (i) to know the seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii infection in the canary islands, (ii) to evaluate its epidemiologic features and (iii) to compare the rates of seroprevalence using two different cut-offs (1:20 and 1:80) for the diagnosis of past infection.200312800952
[murine typhus in tenerife. clinicoepidemiological study and differential clinical features with q fever].our aim was to conduct a study to define the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with murine typhus in tenerife island (canary islands, spain). moreover, we investigated the differential clinical features of this disease with regard to q fever.200314636536
seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii in domestic ruminants in gran canaria island, spain.coxiella burnetii is the causative agent of q fever, a zoonosis with worldwide occurrence. in the canary islands, the overall seroprevalence in humans has been estimated to be 21.5%. gran canaria island concentrates the highest ruminant population in the archipelago and the prevalence of the human infection is 23.5%. to evaluate the seroprevalence in livestock and the affected areas in gran canaria island, a total of 1249 ruminants were randomly selected for this study (733 goats, 369 sheep and ...201020537108
coxiella burnetii infections in domestic ruminants in canary islands (spain). 201020723162
a transversal study on antibodies against selected pathogens in dromedary camels in the canary islands, spain.the canary islands contain the most important dromedary camel (camelus dromedarius) population in the european union and are the main export point of dromedaries to continental europe and latin america. we investigated the presence of antibodies against relevant disease agents in 100 canarian camel sera. selected blood samples of the same animals were also tested by pcr. sera were tested for antibodies against bluetongue virus (btv; 0%), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (bvdv; 0%), camelpox virus (c ...201323992795
serological survey of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii and coxiella burnetii in rodents in north-western african islands (canary islands and cape verde).coxiella burnetii and toxoplasma gondii are intracellular parasites that cause important reproductive disorders in animals and humans worldwide, resulting in high economic losses. the aim of the present study was to analyse the possible role of peridomestic small mammals in the maintenance and transmission of c. burnetii and t. gondii in the north-western african archipelagos of the canary islands and cape verde, where these species are commonly found affecting humans and farm animals. between 2 ...201526244685
detection of coxiella burnetii dna in peridomestic and wild animals and ticks in an endemic region (canary islands, spain).coxiella burnetii, the etiological agent of human q fever, can infect mammals, birds, and arthropods. the canary islands (spain) are considered an endemic territory, with a high prevalence in both humans and livestock. nonetheless, there is no epidemiological information about the wild and peridomestic cycles of c. burnetii. tissue samples from rodents on farms (100) and wild rabbits (129) were collected and assessed by pcr to detect c. burnetii dna. in parallel, ticks were also collected from v ...201728759337
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