
a review of q fever in australia 1991-1994.q fever continues to be an important disease in australia. despite the development of an effective vaccine that has been commercially available since 1989, the number of cases notified has continued to increase. this study reviewed national notifications of q fever between 1991 and 1994, together with demographic, socioeconomic and occupational information, to investigate temporal and spatial disease patterns. based on notification data, q fever can be considered primarily a disease of adult mal ...19979489189
range expansion of the tick amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum, an australian vector of q fever.the tick amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum has previously been reported from western australia, queensland and new south wales. a viable population of this species, including all developmental stages, has now been discovered on the southern end of yorke peninsula, south australia. species determination was carried out morphologically and using 18s and 16s rrna. the data for 16s rrna are the first published for this species. amblyomma t. triguttatum is significant through its involvement in the n ...200010899523
vaccination of cattle workers at risk of q fever on the north coast of new south wales.q fever is the most common zoonotic disease of livestock handlers and abattoir workers in rural australia.200010914459
factsheet: q fever. 200212451405
post-infective and chronic fatigue syndromes precipitated by viral and non-viral pathogens: prospective cohort delineate the risk factors, symptom patterns, and longitudinal course of prolonged illnesses after a variety of acute infections.200616950834
hosts of the exotic ornate kangaroo tick, amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum koch, on southern yorke peninsula, south australia.amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum is assumed to be endemic to south-western western australia (including barrow island), queensland (excluding cape york peninsula), and new south wales, south to dubbo and barham. the species has been recorded on a range of mammalian hosts including macropods and domestic animals. in queensland, a. triguttatum triguttatum is implicated in the epidemiology of q fever. in 2000, the species was detected on southern yorke peninsula in south australia. we aimed to ide ...200717611781
australia's national q fever vaccination program.a nationally funded q fever vaccination program was introduced in australia in 2002. the evaluation of this unique program included measures of program uptake, safety, and notification and hospitalisation rates for q fever pre- and post-program implementation. program uptake ranged from close to 100% amongst abattoir workers to 43% in farmers. the most commonly reported adverse event was injection site reaction. q fever notification rates declined by over 50% between 2002 and 2006, particularly ...200919428827
a serosurvey of coxiella burnetii infection in children and young adults in south west describe the seroepidemiology of coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of q fever, in those under 25 years of age in south west queensland.201020920110
seroprevalence to coxiella burnetii among residents of the hunter new england region of new south wales, australia.exposure to coxiella burnetii is a risk in the hunter new england (hne) region of new south wales (nsw), australia, based on yearly reported cases of q fever. we assessed seroprevalence of phase ii antibodies to c. burnetii by indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa; screening at 1/50 dilution) of residents of 24 local government areas (lga) of the hne region of nsw. a total of 2,438 randomly selected sera sent to the hunter area pathology service for routine diagnostic purposes (not q fever test ...201121292907
q fever seroprevalence in metropolitan samples is similar to rural/remote samples in queensland, australia.q fever is a vaccine preventable disease; however, despite this, high notification numbers are still recorded annually in australia. we investigated the seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii, the q fever agent, in a queensland sample population. notification data (nā€‰=ā€‰6425) from 1984-2008 were collated, identifying high risk areas of q fever exposure. of these 177 were recorded in children. serum samples were collected from queensland and screened using both an immunoflourescence assay at 1:10 dil ...201121499708
Blood, guts and knife cuts: reducing the risk of swine brucellosis in feral pig hunters in north-west New South Wales, Australia.Humans who have close contact with livestock, wild or feral animals can risk acquiring zoonotic infections such as brucellosis, Q fever, and leptospirosis. Human infection with <em>Brucella suis</em> (swine brucellosis) usually follows occupational or recreational exposure to infected animals. Worldwide, many cases of human infection follow contact with infected feral pigs. In Australia there is a growing market for the export of 'wild boar' and a considerable number of people are involved in fe ...201122182348
endemic q fever in new south wales, australia: a case series (2005-2013).q fever is endemic in australia, and during the period 2005-2013 our laboratory diagnosed 379 cases in new south wales. to evaluate clinical symptoms, epidemiology, mode of diagnosis, antibody profiles, and treatment, a subset of 160 (42%) q fever cases were analyzed in detail following the return of a questionnaire by the patient's doctor and from their laboratory reports. overall, 82% patients were male and predominantly middle aged. the majority of patients (89%) had animal contact among whic ...201627139451
trends and risk factors for human q fever in australia, 1991-2014.australian abattoir workers, farmers, veterinarians and people handling animal birthing products or slaughtering animals continue to be at high risk of q fever despite an effective vaccine being available. national notifiable diseases surveillance system data were analysed for the period 1991-2014, along with enhanced risk factor data from notified cases in the states of new south wales and queensland, to examine changes in the epidemiology of q fever in australia. the national q fever notificat ...201727927265
q fever and contact with kangaroos in new south wales. 201627522129
risk factors and burden of acute q fever in older adults in new south wales: a prospective cohort measure the acute burden of and to identify risk factors associated with notified q fever in older adults in new south wales.201526654610
preventing q fever endocarditis: a review of cardiac assessment in hospitalised q fever patients.acute q fever is an important zoonotic disease in some parts of rural australia. q fever can lead to chronic disease such as endocarditis, this complication occurring more commonly in patients with underlying heart valve pathology or an impaired immune system. untreated q fever endocarditis has a high mortality rate, but even with appropriate therapy, 10% of patients will die. cardiac assessment can identify patients at risk. the aim of this review was to examine recorded cardiac assessment of h ...201122115319
enhanced q fever risk exposure surveillance may permit better informed vaccination policy.the association between farming risks and q fever is not well documented in australia. in a review of new south wales notifications, data were analysed using 3-year study periods from 1993 to 2007 to investigate possible trends and explore reported risk exposures. a retrospective case series was also conducted using acute q fever cases notified during 2007 from a rural area of new south wales. occupation was recorded for less than 50% of q fever notifications in new south wales during the study ...200919618770
abattoir-associated q fever: a q fever outbreak during a q fever vaccination investigate an abattoir outbreak of q fever in southem new south wales with reference to the protective effect and safety of the formalin-inactivated q fever vaccine (q vax) administered before and during the outbreak.200111529620
q fever in new south wales department of agriculture workers.a cross-sectional survey of staff of the new south wales department of agriculture for prior exposure to q fever was conducted using the complement fixation test, indirect immunofluorescent antibody test, a delayed hypersensitivity skin test, a standard questionnaire, and a supplemental history, with the aim being to determine the proportion of employees that have been in contact with q fever and the jobs that pose the greatest risk of exposure to the disease. of 829 employees, 89 (10.7%) tested ...199910224593
some problems in q fever infections in new south wales. 19685654805
q fever, brucellosis and leptospirosis among abattoir workers in new south wales. 19665947538
q fever among abattoir workers in new south wales. 196313953841
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