
[serological demonstration of the detection of tick-borne rickettsial disease in astrakhan province].starting from 1978, noncontagious febrile diseases of unclear etiology, accompanied by pronounced headache, roseolous-papular eruptions, prolonged convalescence period, are registered in may-september in astrakhan province. these diseases can be effectively treated with chrolamphenicol. in 11 out of 12 sera obtained from such patients the complement fixation test with the antigens of rickettsiae causing tick-borne spotted fever, epidemic typhus, as well as coxiella burnetii antigen, revealed the ...19911831951
[the laboratory diagnosis of an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever at oblivskaya village, rostov province: proof of the etiological role of the crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever virus].the results of the molecular biological detection of the etiologic agent of hemorrhagic fever in rostov province are presented. the role of the causative agents of astrakhan rickettsial fever, hemorrhagic fever with the renal syndrome, q fever, leptospirosis and listeriosis has been excluded by means of such immunochemical reactions as the direct and indirect immunofluorescent tests, the solid-phase immunoenzyme assay, the complement fixation test and the agglutination test. the relationship bet ...200010808570
[results of examination of healthy residents in the southern region of russia and patients feverish to pappataci fever virus antibodies].sera from patients with acute seasonal fevers and apparently healthy individuals living in the astrakhan region, krasnodar territory, or rostov region were examined in two modifications of enzyme immunoassay for detection of igm and igg antibodies to neapolitan and sicilian pappataci fever viruses. igm antibodies to sicilian pappataci fever virus were detected in a patient from the volodarsky district, astrakhan region, who had been admitted for the unverified diagnosis of q fever. a donor resid ...200920120368
[comparative characteristics of transmissive fevers in the territory of astrakhan region (clinicoepidemiological evidence)].epidemiologists register a trend in the latest decades for expansion of the areas of natural-focal transmissive fevers morbidity in the astrakhan region. this is explained by reconfiguration of natural landscapes as a result of increasing anthropogenic impact. the astrakhan territory exclusively contains 4 types of landscape with evolutionally formed several natural foci of transmissive fevers: crimean hemorrhagic fever, west nile fever, astrakhan rickettsial fever, q-fever. early diagnosis of t ...201122312887
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