
survey of tick-borne diseases in dogs infested with rhipicephalus sanguineus at a kennel in okayama prefecture, japan.serological tests were performed to investigate extent of tick-borne diseases in dogs infested with rhipicephalus sanguineus at a kennel in okayama prefecture. three of 22 dogs (13.6%) were positive for ehrlichia canis. two of 19 dogs (10.5%) were positive for rickettsia japonica. three of 22 dogs (13.6%) were positive for babesia gibsoni. none of these animals were positive for coxiella burnetii or hepatozoon canis. a microfilaria was detected in a drop smear of hemolymph from an engorged femal ...19989673953
[seroepidemiology of coxiella burnetii in okayama prefecture, japan]. 200211904999
[incidence of q fever pneumonia in community-acquired pneumonia around okayama city--the second report]. 200314574847
[incidence of q fever pneumonia in community acquired pneumonia around okayama city]. 200212325319
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