
prevalence of coxiella burnetii infection among humans and domestic animals of rajasthan state, india.a total number of 1806 sera comprising 1049 humans and 757 animals from four ecologically different areas of rajasthan state were tested to determine the prevalence of complement-fixing (cf) antibodies to coxiella burnetii (c burnett). of the 1049 human and 757 animal sera tested, antibodies to c. burnetii were detected in 195 sera (18.6 per cent) and 187 sera (24.7 per cent), respectively. among humans, the prevalence of infection with c. burnetii was highest in the desert area of barmer distri ...1979574885
sero-epidemiology of q-fever in poultry.the sero-epidemiology of q-fever was studied by capillary agglutination test at 25 poultry farms in the nainital and ajmer districts of uttar pradesh and rajasthan. of 589 birds tested, 78 (13.24%) had q-fever agglutinins (cat titers 1:8 to 1:64), involving 16 of the farms. there were more sero-reactors in ajmer (17.56%) than in nainital (3.35%). the sero-positive reactors were respectively 19.74% and 5.55% among the age groups above and below 6 months. the breed difference and comparatively hig ...1978646757
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