
poikilotherms as reservoirs of q-fever (coxiella burnetii) in uttar pradesh.water snakes (natrix natrix), rat snakes (ptyas korros), cobras (naja naja), pythons (python molurus), tortoises (kachuga sp.), plankton fish (cirrhina mrigala), frogs (rana tigrina), toads (bufo sp.) and monitors (varanus indicus) were screened for evidence of q-fever infection by the capillary agglutination test on sera to detect antibodies and/or by attempts to demonstrate coxiella burnetii in spleen and liver samples. sero-reactors were observed among water and rat snakes, pythons and tortoi ...1979459042
sero-epidemiological studies on coxiellosis in animals and man in the state of uttar pradesh and delhi (india).the prevalence of antibodies to coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of q-fever, was studied in domestic animals either at the farm or at the slaughter house and man in delhi and uttar pradesh (u.p.). evidence of q-fever infection was observed in 24.29% of 490 cattle, 16.79% of 536 sheep, 16.02% of 1011 buffaloes, 15.85% of 1937 goats, 14.67% of 184 pigs and 14.29% of 49 street dogs. twenty percent of 55 dairy cows, 9.52% of 21 dairy goats and 5.71% of 35 dairy buffaloes were found positive fo ...1979536122
sero-epidemiology of q-fever in poultry.the sero-epidemiology of q-fever was studied by capillary agglutination test at 25 poultry farms in the nainital and ajmer districts of uttar pradesh and rajasthan. of 589 birds tested, 78 (13.24%) had q-fever agglutinins (cat titers 1:8 to 1:64), involving 16 of the farms. there were more sero-reactors in ajmer (17.56%) than in nainital (3.35%). the sero-positive reactors were respectively 19.74% and 5.55% among the age groups above and below 6 months. the breed difference and comparatively hig ...1978646757
a study on the reservoir status of q-fever in avifauna, wild mammals and poikilotherms in uttar pradesh (india).fifteen species of free-living birds (pigeon, mynah, house-sparrow, crow, vulture, owl, swallow, parrot, heron, duck, guinea fowl, hawk, kite, dove and peacock), 11 species of small/large wild mammals (rat, bandicoot, house mouse, shrew, bat, mongoose, ant eater, jackal wild cat, chinkara and tiger) and 5 species of poikilotherms (snakes, python, tortoise, monitor and eel) were screened for evidence of q-fever infection by the capillary agglutination test on sera to detect antibodies and/or by a ...19807251266
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