
prevalence of antibodies to coxiella burnetii among farming population in eastern poland.the presence of blood serum antibodies to coxiella burnetii phase i antigen, indicative of chronic q fever or convalescence, was found by indirect immuno-fluorescent test in 16 out of 90 examined farmers (17.8 %) living in the lublin region (eastern poland) and in none of 30 examined urban blood donors living in the city of lublin (p < 0.05). in both groups no antibodies to c. burnetii phase ii antigen, indicative of acute q fever, were detected. the frequency of antibodies among farmers was gre ...200314677923
prevalence of coxiella burnetii in environmental samples collected from cattle farms in eastern and central poland (2011-2012).coxiella burnetii is the etiologic agent of q fever. it may occur as two different morphological forms, a large cell variant (lcv) and a small cell variant (scv). the scv is characterized by unique resistance to physical and chemical factors and may survive in the environment for many months. the objective of this study was to examine environmental samples for the presence of c. burnetii using real-time pcr in areas where q fever was previously reported and in randomly selected animal farms wher ...201425457371
[occurrence of infections with c burnetii (q fever) in persons from increased risk groups in poland--serological survey and evaluation of studied methods].during years 1988-1991 at regional sanitary and epidemiological stations in białystok, kielce, lublin, leszno, piotrków trybunalski, lódź, poznań, plock, opole, sanok, skierniewice and zielona góra--serological studies in persons amenable to compulsory check-up against brucellosis were performed for detection of infections with c. burnetii. in whole, 20651 persons were investigated on the polish territory and it was found that in 22.8% antibodies against antigens of c. burnetii are present. perc ...19921305919
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