
molecular epidemiology of yersinia enterocolitica o:3 infections: use of chromosomal dna restriction fragment length polymorphisms of rrna genes.yersinia enterocolitica is a major enteric pathogen associated with a wide variety of clinical and immunologic manifestations, including transfusion-associated disease, from which there is a high mortality. although previously rare in the united states, in the late 1980s y. enterocolitica o:3 emerged as the predominant serotype in the united states, as it has been in canada, europe, and japan. epidemiologic investigation of this serogroup has been hampered by the limited availability of a phage ...19911723068
yersinia enterocolitica o:3: an emerging cause of pediatric gastroenteritis in the united states. the yersinia enterocolitica collaborative study group.after an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica infections among black children in atlanta, a seven-hospital study was conducted to determine the importance of this pathogen in other communities with large black populations. of 4841 stool specimens from patients with gastroenteritis examined between november 1989 and january 1990, y. enterocolitica, shigella, campylobacter, and salmonella were identified in 38, 49, 60, and 98 specimens, respectively; 34 (92%) of 37 y. enterocolitica isolates were s ...19911995741
yersinia enterocolitica o:3 infections in infants and children, associated with the household preparation of chitterlings. 19902314448
endoparasites and selected infectious agents in bobcats (felis rufus) from west virginia and georgia.a total of 143 bobcats (felis rufus) from west virginia and 10 bobcats from georgia was examined for parasites and selected infectious agents. a total of 31 species of parasites was recovered including 1 protozoan, 1 trematode, 4 cestodes, 1 acanthocephalan and 24 nematodes. results indicate bobcats are important definitive hosts for sarcocystis sp. and toxoplasma gondii. thirteen species (paragonimus kellicotti, spirometra mansonoides, taenia macrocystis, t. rileyi, capillaria putorii, toxascar ...19816802988
population-based surveillance for yersinia enterocolitica infections in foodnet sites, 1996-1999: higher risk of disease in infants and minority surveillance for laboratory-confirmed yersinia enterocolitica (ye) infections was conducted at 5 foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet) sites in the united states during 1996-1999. the annual incidence averaged 0.9 cases/100,000 population. after adjusting for missing data, the average annual incidence by race/ethnicity was 3.2 cases/100,000 population among black persons, 1.5 cases/100,000 population among asian persons, 0.6 cases/100,000 population among hispanic perso ...200415095188
yersinia enterocolitica infections during the holidays in black families--georgia. 19902122217
yersinia enterocolitica: a frequent seasonal stool isolate from children at an urban hospital in the southeast united states.from 1 december 1988 through 28 february 1991, 7,290 rectal swab specimens received in our laboratory were screened for yersinia enterocolitica. a total of 76 patients had y. enterocolitica isolated from their stool samples. of these patients, 59 (77.6%) were 12 months old or younger. y. enterocolitica was second only to salmonella spp. in this age group. routine screening for y. enterocolitica may be warranted in hospitals serving large pediatric populations.19911757561
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