
yersinia-related arthritis in the pacific northwest.serologic evidence of yersinia enterocolitica infection was sought by agglutination testing in serum samples from several populations, including haida indians, red cross blood donors, and caucasian patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and reiter's syndrome. no evidence was found to indicate that yersinial infection was etiologically related to haida spondylitis or reiter's syndrome. four of 28 patients with acute arthritis were diagnosed from serologic evidence as having y ...1977901597
species and serotypes of yersiniae recovered in british columbia. 19883383059
yersinia enterocolitica isolated from animals in the fraser valley of british columbia. 19725029894
yersinia enterocolitica isolated from throats of swine in eastern and western canada.examination of the throat flora from swine in ontario for yersinia enterocolitica found the incidence of serotype o:3 to vary from 20% from tonsils to 50% for throat swabs and 55% for tongues. in contrast, there were no isolations of serotype o:3 from throat swabs taken from swine in the western provinces of british columbia and alberta. this incidence of serotype o:3 in swine correlates well with the human incidence of the same serotype which is 81% for all human isolations of y. enterocolitica ...19817332882
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