
outbreaks of hepatitis b virus infection associated with infected surgical staff.twelve outbreaks of hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection associated with hbv infected surgical health care workers (11 surgeons; one perfusion technician) were reported between 1975 and 1990 in england, wales and northern ireland. a total of 95 infections was identified. transmission rates ranged from one to nine per cent but were higher for patients who had undergone major surgical procedures. the number of infections reported under-estimates the total number of patients who will have acquired hbv ...19911669783
hepatitis b virus infection in northern ireland the 18 years between 1970 and 1987, 504 patients were found to have hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) in their blood. acute hepatitis was present in 184 patients and six died (3.3%). the annual incidence of acute hepatitis b virus infection in northern ireland was about one-quarter that of england and wales. a decrease in acute infection occurred in 1986-87, while in england and wales acute infection has fallen by more than half since the peak in 1984. hepatitis b virus infection in health ...19892788948
hepatitis b in a hospital for the mentally subnormal in south wales.the resident population in a long-stay hospital for the mentally handicapped was surveyed in order to assess evidence for past and present infection with the hepatitis b virus. the authors found a 0.5% prevalence of carriage of hepatitis be antigen and do not recommend mass vaccination of staff and residents in this hospital.19882966251
australia antigen in west of scotland and north of england. 19704194503
molecular epidemiology of hepatitis b in england and wales.this review focuses on general and molecular features of the epidemiology of incident and prevalent hepatitis b virus (hbv) infections in england and wales. the situation in scotland and northern ireland will not be reviewed.200516461212
detection of three types of hepatitis c virus in blood donors: investigation of type-specific differences in serologic reactivity and rate of alanine aminotransferase abnormalities.the serologic reactivity and epidemiology associated with different hepatitis c virus (hcv) variants were investigated in a cohort of 113 anti-hcv-positive donors. in scotland, hcv type 1 accounted for one-half of all infections; 40 percent of subjects were infected with hcv type 3, and the remainder were infected with type 2. reactivity with the ns-4-encoded antigens in the first-generation anti-c100 assay was absent in 68 percent of donors infected with types 2 and 3, as compared with 10 perce ...19937678709
[incidence and occurrence of down's syndrome in csr in the years 1961-1966]. 19714255390
prevalence of hepatitis b markers in patients and staff in a hospital for the mentally handicapped.patients and staff at a hospital for the mentally handicapped were screened for markers of infection with hepatitis b virus. of 436 patients, 14 (3.2%) were carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), of whom four were carriers of hepatitis b e antigen (hbeag) and were considered to be 'infectious'. one-quarter of the patients had markers of hepatitis b infection. males were four times more likely to have markers than females; and 13 of the 14 carriers of hbsag were male. patients with down ...19862870105
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