
epidemiology of hepatitis b in eastern kenya.a cross-sectional survey of outpatients attending the three distinct hospitals in the towns of mombasa, kilifi, and malindi was conducted to determine the patterns of hepatitis b transmission in eastern kenya. of 1,533 study subjects (mean age 21.9 +/- 13.2 years; range, 4 months to 80 years), 11.4% were positive for hbsag and 56.2% were seropositive for at least one hepatitis b marker (hbsag, anti-hbs, or anti-hbc). anti-delta antibody was found in 1.2% of hbsag-positive samples. hbeag was foun ...19892786919
immunization coverage and risk factors for failure to immunize within the expanded programme on immunization in kenya after introduction of new haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis b virus antigens.kenya introduced a pentavalent vaccine including the dtp, haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis b virus antigens in nov 2001 and strengthened immunization services. we estimated immunization coverage before and after introduction, timeliness of vaccination and risk factors for failure to immunize in kilifi district, kenya.200616707013
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