
rapid identification of respiratory syncytial virus infections by direct fluorescent antibody testing: reliability as a guide to patient cohorting.this study compared the results of a commercially available, direct fluorescent antibody (dfa) test with viral culture in 880 specimens obtained from 690 patients by means of nasopharyngeal swabs. the two tests were congruent in 92.5% (814) of the specimens. the sensitivity of the dfa was 0.95, the specificity was 0.91, the positive predictive value was 0.82, and the negative predictive value was 0.98. among 548 inpatients, there were 3 mixed infections (rsv and another virus), 8 rsv infections ...19912053715
prevalence of antibodies to seven viruses in a flock of ewes in minnesota.blood samples were collected from a flock of healthy ewes at a university of minnesota research station. sera from these blood samples were tested for antibodies against 7 viruses, using 3 tests (eg, virus-neutralization test for bovine viral diarrhea virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine adenovirus type 3, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus; hemagglutination inhibition test for parainfluenza virus type 3; and agar-gel immunodiffusion test for lentivirus of ovine progressive ...19882837112
serologic studies of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in minnesota cattle.serum antibody titers to bovine respiratory syncytial virus were determined for 559 cattle. serum samples were obtained through the minnesota state-federal brucellosis laboratory and were collected over a 1-year period. results of this study revealed an antibody prevalence of 65.5% to bovine respiratory syncytial virus. the distribution of antibody titers is presented, as well as analysis of titers based on breed, sex, and age of the cattle.19854014838
respiratory syncytial virus infections in pediatric renal transplant recipients.immunocompromised patients are considered at increased risk from respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection. we examined the incidence and outcome of rsv infection in pediatric renal transplant (tx) recipients on chronic immunosuppressive therapy. of 173 recipients transplanted between november 1985 and april 1993, 5 (3%) developed rsv infection (age range 11-39 months). initial immunosuppression included prednisone, azathioprine, cyclosporine, and polyclonal antibody therapy. time from tx to o ...19968703717
nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence-based analysis of the avian metapneumovirus type c cell attachment glycoprotein gene: phylogenetic analysis and molecular epidemiology of u.s. pneumoviruses.a serologically distinct avian metapneumovirus (ampv) was isolated in the united states after an outbreak of turkey rhinotracheitis (trt) in february 1997. the newly recognized u.s. virus was subsequently demonstrated to be genetically distinct from european subtypes and was designated ampv serotype c (ampv/c). we have determined the nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the cell attachment glycoprotein (g) of ampv/c (colorado strain and three minnesota isolates) and predicted amino acid sequ ...200312682171
incidence of bronchiolitis-associated hospitalization among children in olmsted county, minnesota. 200415182106
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