
lack of relationship of community patterns of respiratory viral activity to systemic haemophilus influenzae disease in children.the occurrence of epidemics of respiratory viral illness was monitored by virus isolations in a population of young children living in the greater nashville area over a 4-year period. epidemic disease due to influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza type 1 was present during discrete time blocks over this interval. occurrence of systemic haemophilus influenzae type b disease in the community was also documented by review of bacteriologic records of vanderbilt children's hospital o ...19827163030
winter viruses: influenza- and respiratory syncytial virus-related morbidity in chronic lung disease.chronic lung disease predisposes to serious consequences of respiratory viruses. while increasing influenza immunization rates in older adults signals an awareness of the impact of influenza, children with asthma are infrequently immunized. while respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is recognized as an important target of vaccine development for infants, its impact on adults is underappreciated.200212038940
bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) 1b: predominant bvdv subtype in calves with respiratory disease.the prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) infections was determined in 2 groups of stocker calves with acute respiratory disease. both studies used calves assembled after purchase from auction markets by an order buyer and transported to feedyards, where they were held for approximately 30 d. in 1 study, the calves were mixed with fresh ranch calves from a single ranch. during the studies, at day 0 and at weekly intervals, blood was collected for viral antibody testing and virus isola ...200212146890
first-time wheezing in infants during respiratory syncytial virus season: chest radiograph evaluate the prevalence of pathologic chest radiographs in infants presenting with a first episode of wheezing during respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) seasons and to compare demographics and clinical variables between patients with benign and pathologic chest radiographs.200212395001
influenza- and respiratory syncytial virus-associated morbidity and mortality in the nursing home estimate winter viral-related morbidity and mortality in tennessee nursing home residents during 4 consecutive years.200312757561
clinical features and outcomes of paramyxoviral infection in lung transplant recipients treated with ribavirin.paramyxoviral infections are reported in 6% to 21% of lung transplant recipients. aerosolized ribavirin is used to treat paramyoxviral infections, but data on outcomes of this treatment in lung transplant patients are limited.200312873542
population-based surveillance for hospitalizations associated with respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, and parainfluenza viruses among young children.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), influenza virus, and parainfluenza viruses (piv) cause significant morbidity in young children. although only influenza virus infection and illness is currently vaccine-preventable, vaccines are under development for rsv and piv. we established a prospective, active population-based surveillance network to provide precise estimates of hospitalization rates for viral acute respiratory illness (ari) in young children and to measure the potential impact of enhance ...200415173503
the frequency and seasonality of influenza and other respiratory viruses in tennessee: two influenza seasons of surveillance data, 2010, the tennessee department of health, in collaboration with the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc), expanded influenza surveillance in tennessee to include other respiratory viruses.201323962104
rates of hospitalization for respiratory syncytial virus infection among children in determine rates of hospitalization associated with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection among children with and without specific medical conditions.200011113845
spatiotemporal patterns of infant bronchiolitis in a tennessee medicaid population.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality in infants, primarily through the induction of bronchiolitis. rsv epidemics are highly seasonal, occurring in the winter months in the northern hemisphere. within the united states, rsv epidemic dynamics vary both spatially and temporally. this analysis employs a retrospective space–time scan statistic to locate spatiotemporal clustering of infant bronchiolitis in a very large tennessee (tn) medicaid cohort. ...201323956809
respiratory syncytial virus whole-genome sequencing identifies convergent evolution of sequence duplication in the c-terminus of the g gene.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide and is the most important respiratory viral pathogen in infants. extensive sequence variability within and between rsv group a and b viruses and the ability of multiple clades and sub-clades of rsv to co-circulate are likely mechanisms contributing to the evasion of herd immunity. surveillance and large-scale whole-genome sequencing of rsv is currently limited but would help identify its evolution ...201627212633
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