
respiratory virus infections and aeroallergens in acute bronchial asthma.two hundred and fifty six attacks of acute bronchial asthma occurring in 169 children aged over 2 years were studied during a two year period. more attacks occurred during spring and autumn than at other times of the year. in 73 patients (29%) a respiratory virus infection was diagnosed, with the same seasonal variation as the asthmatic attacks. most of the virus infections were caused by rhinovirus (45%) and respiratory syncytial virus (19%). there was no significant correlation between asthmat ...19846326694
respiratory virus antibodies in adults of a norwegian community: prevalences and risk factors.the aims were to examine prevalences as well as demographic and environmental predictors of respiratory virus antibodies in serum.19957797347
acute bronchiolitis in infancy as risk factor for wheezing and reduced pulmonary function by seven years in akershus county, norway.acute viral bronchiolitis is one of the most common causes of hospitalisation during infancy in our region with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) historically being the major causative agent. many infants with early-life rsv bronchiolitis have sustained bronchial hyperreactivity for many years after hospitalisation and the reasons for this are probably multifactorial. the principal aim of the present study was to investigate if children hospitalised for any acute viral bronchiolitis during infan ...200516109158
results and evaluation of thirty years of health recordings in the norwegian dairy cattle population.the results are based on the norwegian cattle health recording system, which has been in place for the entire country since 1975. the dairy breeds in norway consist of 94% norwegian red and 4% crossbreeds with norwegian red. no other breed consists of more than 0.5% of the total population. during the past 30 yr, there have been 11,563,692 dairy cows within the recording system, corresponding to 8,633,532 cow-years and 8,632,516 calvings. this population consisted of 3,038,675 first-calving cows ...200717699070
respiratory infections in norwegian dairy calves.the aims of this study were to estimate the seroprevalence of respiratory agents in norwegian dairy calves and to identify risk factors for respiratory disease. the participating 135 herds were randomly selected from those in the norwegian dairy herd recording system with at least 15 cow years. each herd was followed for 1 yr. blood samples from calves of >150 d of age (n = 1,348) were analyzed for antibodies against parainfluenza virus 3, bovine coronavirus (bcov), bovine respiratory syncytial ...200919762832
coronavirus causes lower respiratory tract infections less frequently than rsv in hospitalized norwegian children.we have described occurrence and clinical manifestations of human coronaviruses (hcov) in hospitalized norwegian children with respiratory tract infection (rti) and compared them with a group of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)-infected children. methods and population: we used in-house taqman multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction to test nasopharyngeal samples from 536 rti episodes in 452 children who were admitted during the 2006-2007 winter. twenty-one viruses, including hcov-oc43, h ...201121057374
hospitalisations for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in akershus, norway, 1993-2000: a population-based retrospective study.rsv is recognized as the most important cause of serious lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children worldwide leading to hospitalisation in a great number of cases, especially in certain high-risk groups. the aims of the present study were to identify risk groups, outcome and incidences of hospitalisation for rsv bronchiolitis in norwegian children under two years of age and to compare the results with other studies.200415606912
[respiratory syncytial virus infections in hospitalized children in akershus].the study describes hospitalisations for rsv infections among children < 15 years.200011070983
respiratory syncytial virus infections in oslo 1972--1978. ii. clinical and laboratory studies.patient records from 422 children admitted to hospital during 6 winter outbreaks of rsv infection were examined retrospectively. bronchiolitis (255 patients) and pneumonia (98 patients) were the most common diagnoses. otitis media (76 patients) occurred as a complication to these conditions. children at risk for contracting severe illness caused by rsv were infants below the age of one year, more often boys than girls. of the children older than two years, 32% had already been diagnosed as asthm ...19807211357
respiratory syncytial virus infections in oslo 1972--1978. i. virological and epidemiological studies.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection was diagnosed in 464 children admitted to hospital with acute respiratory disease from autumn 1972 to spring 1978. the virological surveillance was approximately 70%. as a rule, rsv infections occurred in distinct outbreaks in late autumn and winter together with a marked increase in the number of children admitted to hospital with acute lower respiratory tract disease. the incidence in children less than 1 year of age was about 10/1000 children/year. ...19807211356
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