
incidence of respiratory viruses among travelers with a febrile syndrome returning from tropical and subtropical areas.fifty million people are estimated to travel from industrial countries to the tropics annually. in spite of exhaustive studies and widely different diagnosis among returned patients, some cases of febrile illnesses remain without an etiological diagnosis, suggesting that these cases could be due to viral respiratory tract infections. from august 2005 to october 2006, 118 febrile patients without a specific diagnosis in their first visit at the center for international health of the hospital clín ...200818297697
prevalence of human metapneumovirus among hospitalized children younger than 1 year in catalonia, spain.human metapneumovirus was discovered recently respiratory virus implicated in both upper and lower respiratory tract infection. in children, the clinical symptoms of human metapneumovirus are similar to those produced by respiratory syncytial virus, ranging from mild to severe diseases such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. the aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence of human metapneumovirus and other common respiratory viruses among admitted to hospital infants. from january 2006 ...200818551601
incidence and risk factors of lower respiratory tract illnesses during infancy in a mediterranean birth investigate the incidence rate, viral respiratory agents and determinants of lower respiratory tract illnesses (lrtis) in infants younger than 1 year.200818631341
virological surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses during six consecutive seasons from 2006 to 2012 in catalonia, spain.most attention is given to seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks, but the cumulative burden caused by other respiratory viruses (rv) is not widely considered. the aim of the present study is to describe the circulation of rv in the general population during six consecutive seasons from 2006 to 2012 in catalonia, spain. cell culture, immunofluorescence and pcr-based assays were used for the rv laboratory-confirmation and influenza subtyping. phylogenetic and molecular chara ...201626939538
environmental variables associated with an increased risk of invasive aspergillosis.information on the environmental variables that may affect the incidence of invasive aspergillosis (ia) is scarce. we sought to determine the relationship between airborne spore counts, climatic conditions and ia. we also examined whether circulating respiratory viruses predispose patients to ia in a multicentre cohort study of hospitalized adults with ia. data on environmental mould spores, climatic conditions and circulating respiratory viruses were obtained from the environmental department o ...201424766565
viral etiology of mumps-like illnesses in suspected mumps cases reported in catalonia, spain.we investigated the etiology of reported sporadic suspected mumps cases with a negative rt-pcr result for the mumps virus in the barcelona-south region in 2007-2011. samples from mumps virus-negative patients presenting unilateral or bilateral parotitis or other salivary gland swelling were tested for epstein-barr virus (ebv) by real-time pcr and for respiratory viruses by two multiplex-pcr-based assays to detect parainfluenza virus (piv) 1-4, influenza virus (inv) a, b and c, respiratory syncyt ...201525483547
circulation of a novel human respiratory syncytial virus group b genotype during the 2014-2015 season in catalonia (spain).human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) is one of the most common viral aetiological agents in the youngest population. in the present study a novel hrsv-b ba genotype is first described based on the phylogenetic analysis of the coding hypervariable region 2 sequences of g protein from strains detected during the 2014-2015 season. among all strains detected in the last season, 44% belonged to this new genotype. therefore, it highlights the importance of a continuous hrsv surveillance to monitor ...201626408279
molecular epidemiology and molecular characterization of respiratory syncytial viruses at a tertiary care university hospital in catalonia (spain) during the 2013-2014 season.human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) is the main cause of lower respiratory tract infections among infants and young children.201525866332
invasive pneumococcal disease rates linked to meteorological factors and respiratory virus circulation (catalonia, 2006-2012).to study the impact of meteorological data and respiratory viral infections on invasive pneumococcal disease (ipd) rates.201627178436
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