
tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) in germany--epidemiological data, development of risk areas and virus prevalence in field-collected ticks and in ticks removed from germany, 100-300 autochthonous clinical tbe cases have been recorded annually. there are high-risk areas in bavaria and baden-wuerttemberg and ongoing low-risk areas in hesse, thuringia, and the rhineland-palatinate and single cases in saxony. in order to be able to evaluate the epidemiological changes described here, it must be mentioned that a new definition of tbe risk areas was introduced on the district level in 1998 in germany and in 2001 with the new infection protection act (infektion ...200415146987
[studies on the importance of tick-borne encephalitis in rhineland-pfalz].within the scope of a prospective clinical study during 2001 in rhineland-palatinate specimen from sera and cerebrospinal fluids of 163 patients with suspected meningitis were controlled in an enzyme immunoassay concerning a tbe infection. questionable results were checked via a neutralisation test. in no case such an infection was confirmed. no virus specific nucleic acids could be detected in 998 nymphs and adults of ixodes ricinus in an additional investigation in 2000. therefore rhineland-pa ...200212375231
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