
[investigations in a natural focus of vernal meningoencephalitis (vme) in lower austria. 1. ecology and seasonal dynamics of ixodes ricinus]. 196314119878
prevalence of borreliae in ixodid ticks from a floodplain forest ixodid ticks were sampled in a floodplain forest ecosystem along the lower reaches of the thaya (dyje) river in south moravia (czech republic) and lower austria during the period 1989-2002. the ticks were examined by dark-field microscopy for borreliae (borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the agent of lyme borreliosis), and attempts were made to culture the spirochetes in bsk-h medium from preparations containing their high numbers. isolated borreliae were identified by pcr-rflp analys ...200312674689
[studies of a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis in lower austria. 4. results of ecologic investigations of the population of ixodes ricinus in 1963]. 19645831684
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