
variations in the levels of aflatoxin in cows milk consumed in the city of são paulo, hundred samples of commercially available cows milk, collected in the state of são paulo, from july 1979 to september 1981, were analysed to determine the levels of aflatoxins m1 and m2 by the method of the aoac. this investigation was also undertaken in 50 samples of cows milk from two farms located in the médio vale do paraiba, from animals which had ingested stored feed. aflatoxin m1 was detected in only one sample of commercially available cows milk, while those from the farms were found ...19892498138
epidemiology of fasciola hepatica infection in the paraíba river valley, são paulo, brasil.the study revealed that although lymnaea columella and stenophysa marmorata were found in the same habitat, only l. columella harbored intramolluscan stages of f. hepatica. the population density of l. columella cyclically decreased between september and february, and increased from march to september. the drought that occurred between june and november 1981 dramatically reduced the number of snails collected. larger snails were collected in march-july and november-december, while the smaller sn ...19863564331
antimicrobial drug resistance in staphylococcus aureus isolated from cattle in brazil.isolates of staphylococcus aureus obtained from apparently healthy cattle in the state of paraiba, brazil were characterized in relation to resistance to 21 antimicrobial agents. among the 46 isolates obtained, resistance to penicillin was most frequent, followed by resistance to cadmium, streptomycin, arsenate, tetracycline, mercury, erythromycin and kanamycin/neomycin. all isolates were susceptible to fusidic acid, ethidium bromide, cetrimide, chloramphenicol, benzalkonium chloride, doxycyclin ...19957786507
bovine atypical interstitial pneumonia associated with the ingestion of damaged sweet potatoes (ipomoea batatas) in northeastern brazil.atypical interstitial pneumonia in cattle associated with the ingestion of damaged sweet potatoes is reported in the state of paraíba, northeastern brazil. the sweet potatoes were severely damaged by myzus tersicae, and had an obvious fungal infection. eighteen milking cows, 1 bull and 1 steer were fed approximately 400 kg of the sweet potatoes. six days after consumption 13 cows were affected with labored abdominal breathing, extended and lowered head, coughing, expiratory grunt, salivation and ...200111474732
sudden bovine death from mascagnia rigida in northeastern outbreak of sudden death occurred in the agreste region of paraiba, brazil in a herd of 129 cattle. when the herd was driven from the area, 40 cattle had clinical signs characterized by instability, staggering and lying down or falling. twenty cattle died and the other 20 recovered. dry mascagnia rigida collected in the paddockwas administrated to 3 groups of 2 rabbits each at doses of 1.25, 2.5 or 5 g/kg bw. all rabbits ingesting 2.5 and 5 g/kg bw died acutely between 3 h 25 min and 16h 15 ...200212361113
host-feeding patterns of potential human disease vectors in the paraíba valley region, state of säo paulo, brazil.engorged females of aedes albopictus, ochlerotatus scapularis, culex nigripalpus and culex quinquefasciatus were collected by aspiration and sweep net during two years in tremembé county, state of säo paulo, brazil. of the 1,092 specimens analyzed with the precipitin test, 87.6% reacted to one or more of the eight antisera tested. of the four species for which the host determination was made, the reaction in 98.5% was to a single host. the application of the feeding index for four species of mos ...200312831131
molecular epidemiology of rabies from maranhão and surrounding states in the northeastern region of brazil.although many outbreaks of rabies have been reported in northern brazil, few epidemiological studies of these outbreaks have been undertaken. in this study, molecular epidemiological analyses were performed using 41 rabies virus samples isolated in the maranhão (ma), pará (pa), and tocantins (to) states of northeastern brazil. a 599-bp region of the glycoprotein (g) gene was first amplified from each sample by rt-pcr, then sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. a phylogenetic tree div ...200616773238
[in vitro efficacy of comercial formulations of ixocidides in engorged female of boophilus microplus collected of dairy cattle at paraíba valey in the state of são paulo].laboratory trials were realized between the year 2001 at 2004 to evaluate the efficacy of commercial ixodicides against samples of boophilus microplus collected of dairy bovines in 17 properties of eight cities at paraíba valey region, state of são paulo brazil. the trials was performed against engorged female using immersion technique. it was evidenced low efficacy of products of the chemical groups synthetic pyrethroid (28.24%) and amitraz (47.19%). the best efficacy was presented by products ...200616834895
the efficiency of extracts of dahlstedtia pentaphylla (leguminosae, papilionoidae, millettiedae) on boophilus microplus (canestrini, 1887) in artificially infested bovines.tests were conducted to assess the efficiency of the roots of dahlstedtia pentaphylla (taub.) burk. (leguminosae, papilionoideae, millettiae) plant against infestations of boophilus microplus (canestrini, 1887). these tests were performed on 30 bovine animals in the paraíba valley, state of são paulo, brazil, divided into three groups (control, extract diluted at 1:10 ml and extract diluted at 1:20 ml), after artificial infestation with some 4000 larvae/animal on days -21, -14, -7, -1, 0, 7 and ...200616904267
the use of zootherapeutics in folk veterinary medicine in the district of cubati, paraíba state, brazil.the present work addresses the use of zootherapy in folk veterinary medicine (ethnoveterinary) by the residents of the municipal district of cubati, microregion of seridó, paraíba state, brazil. it sought to identify the principal animals used as medicinal sources for zootherapeutics and to contribute to the preservation and sustainability of this traditional knowledge.200717825094
spatial hierarchical variances and age covariances for seroprevalence to leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo, bohv-1 and bvdv for cattle in the state of paraíba, brazil.we estimated spatial hierarchal variances and age-group covariances for seroprevalence to leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (leptoh), bovine viral-diarrhea virus (bvdv) and bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bohv-1) among 2343 cattle from 72 properties sampled in the state of paraíba, brazil in 2000. from each property, eight animals in each of the four age categories were evaluated. the age categories studied were: pre-weaned (0-6 months), young (7-18 months), replacement (19-30 months) and mature ...200616828906
[prevalence of anti-toxoplasma gondii antibodies in dairy cattle from sul fluminense paraíba valley, state of rio de janeiro].a survey of toxoplasmosis in cattle from sul fluminense paraiba valley micro region in the state of rio de janeiro was realized, where serum samples were collected from 589 animals of 29 dairy farms located at municipalities of resende and rio claro. serology was performed by using indirect immune fluorescent test (ifat), and considering as positive to toxoplasma gondii titles > or = 64. results found in both municipalities were 14.8% serum reagents animals. when these results were analyzed by e ...200516229757
antimicrobial substances produced by staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cattle in brazil.among 46 isolates of staphylococcus aureus obtained from cattle in the state of paraíba, brazil, four were shown to produce antimicrobial substances (ams). the two best ams producers carried single plasmids of about 8.0 kbp and 50 kbp, respectively, which were designated prj34 and prj35. curing experiments and molecular analysis associated the ams production with the presence of these plasmids in the cells. the biochemical properties exhibited by the ams suggested that they might be bacteriocins ...19989812401
[evaluation of lead and cadmium levels in milk in environmental contamination in the vale do paraíba region, southeastern brazil].a factory producing lead ingots, located in caçapava, caused lead and cadmium contamination of the environment, in the paraiba valley region of southeastern, brazil, through the discharge of industrial waste and the recycling of batteries. the factory, set in a rural, dairy cattle breeding area, worried sanitary authorities who envisaged the possibility of these metals' having entered the food chain. for the purpose of assessing the levels of contamination of the milk produced in the region, due ...19979497560
methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus from brazilian dairy farms and identification of novel sequence types.the aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic diversity and anti-microbial resistance among staphylococci of dairy herds that originated from paraiba state, north-eastern brazil, a region where such studies are rare. milk samples (n = 552) were collected from 15 dairy farms. isolates were evaluated for anti-microbial susceptibility by kirby-bauer disc diffusion method. confirmation of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) was performed using multiplex pcr tar ...201626178302
Human and animal infections by vaccinia-like viruses in the state of Rio de Janeiro: A novel expanding zoonosis.Since 1999, vesicular infections caused by Orthopoxvirus in humans and animals, mainly in dairy cattle, have been identified in 20 municipalities in the Rio de Janeiro state of Brazil. This paper describes studies conducted in counties of the northwestern, middle-Paraíba Valley and southern regions of the Rio de Janeiro state where 77 human, 346 bovine and 78 rodent samples were collected over the past ten years. Laboratory investigations using virus isolation, electron microscopy, molecular bio ...201122185829
trypanosomiasis by trypanosoma vivax in cattle in the brazilian semiarid: description of an outbreak and lesions in the nervous outbreak of trypanosomiasis by trypanosoma vivax is reported in the semiarid of paraíba, northeastern brazil from may to august 2002. sixty-four cows out of 130 were affected; 11 died and the other recovered after treatment with diminazene aceturate. affected animals had fever, anemia, weight loss, hypoglycemia, increased serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase and, in nine cows, nervous signs. all cows with nervous signs died; six of them recovered after treatment, but the disease relapse ...200716965857
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