
studies on cardiovascular fluke (digenea: spirorchiidae) infections in sea turtles from the great barrier reef, queensland, australia.twenty-seven sea turtles (23 chelonia mydas and four eretmochelys imbricata) from northeast queensland were found to be infected with cardiovascular flukes and/or their eggs. five had originated from turtle farms in the torres strait, five from an oceanarium on magnetic island (146 degrees 56'e, 19 degrees s) and the remainder from coral reefs in the torres strait or near townsville. the incidence of flukes and/or eggs in the groups was 4.8 per cent (5 of 104), 33.3 per cent (5 of 15) and 72.2 p ...19892584443
gastric ulceration associated with larval nematodes (anisakis sp. type i) in pen reared green turtles (chelonia mydas) from torres strait.during turtle farming operations in torres strait, green turtles (chelonia mydas) penned on murray island became infected with a larval nematode (anisakis sp. type i). the larvae were found associated with haemorrhagic ulcers in the pyloroduodenal junction of the alimentary tract. the apparent source of infection was a locally abundant sardine (harengula ovalis), on which the murray island turtles were fed. turtles held on other islands in the region were not fed sardines and remained uninfected ...19827097868
lesions caused by cardiovascular flukes (digenea: spirorchidae) in stranded green turtles (chelonia mydas).evidence of infection with spirorchid flukes (digenea: spirorchidae) was sought at necropsy of 96 stranded green turtles, chelonia mydas, that were examined during the course of a survey of marine turtle mortality in southeastern queensland, australia. three species of spirorchid (hapalotrema mehrai, h. postorchis, and neospirorchis schistosomatoides) were identified. severe disease due to spirorchid fluke infection (spirorchidiasis) was implicated as the principal cause of mortality in 10 turtl ...19989545132
hapalotrema (digenea: spirorchidae) in the green turtle (chelonia mydas) in australia.hapalotrema mehrai rao, 1976 and hapalotrema postorchis rao, 1976 (digenea: spirorchidae) are redescribed from the heart and pulmonary arteries of the green turtle, chelonia mydas, from moreton bay in south-eastern queensland. hapalotrema pambanensis gupta and mehrotra, 1981 from c. mydas in india is made a synonym of h. mehrai. hapalotrema dorsopora dailey, fast and balazs, 1993 from c. mydas from hawaii was described with a dorsally opening uterine pore, but this is found to be the opening of ...19989576515
corneal fibropapillomatosis in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) in australia.chelonid corneal fibropapillomatosis has not previously been recorded in australian waters. during 2008, 724 green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) were examined in queensland, australia at two sites, moreton bay (n=155) and shoalwater bay (n=569), during annual monitoring. in the same calendar year, 63 turtles were submitted from various sites in southern queensland for post-mortem examination at the university of queensland. four of the 787 animals (0.5%) were found to have corneal fibropapillomas ...201019954789
epizootic mortality of free-living green turtles, chelonia mydas, due to least 70 wild green sea turtles, chelonia mydas, died in the moreton bay area of southeast queensland, australia over 6 wk in spring 1991. based on the necropsy of 24 turtles, there was a severe enteritis or encephalitis associated with caryospora cheloniae, a coccidial pathogen previously recorded only in farm-reared ch. mydas hatchlings. infection was characterized by the presence of coccidia in extra-intestinal lesions. oocysts were observed to sporulate, after which sporozoites escaped in ...19938355356
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