
mosquito and arbovirus activity during 1997-2002 in a wetland in northeastern mississippi.the species composition and population dynamics of adult mosquitoes in a wetland near iuka, ms, were analyzed over a 6-yr period (1997-2002) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (pcr) detection rates of arboviruses determined during five of those years. blood meals of three likely vector species were identified using a pcr-based method that allows identification of the host to species. culex erraticus (dyar & knab) composed 51.9% of the population during the 6-yr period with 295 f ...200415185956
genotypic and phenotypic variation of selected saint louis encephalitis viral strains isolated in california.the mechanism for long-term maintenance of st. louis encephalitis (sle) virus in california is unknown. two possibilities are 1) that the virus is maintained locally in discrete enzootic foci by one or more reservoir mechanisms, and/or 2) that the foci are ephemeral in nature and virus is reintroduced periodically from other enzootic areas by migratory birds or movement of vectors. we have investigated these epidemiologic alternatives by studies of genetic variation within a 277 nucleotide porti ...19979288820
arbovirus studies in the ohio-mississippi basin, 1964-1967. ii. st. louis encephalitis virus. 19695817890
effect of hurricane katrina on arboviral disease transmission. 200717953117
the culex pipiens complex in the mississippi river basin: identification, distribution, and bloodmeal hosts.members of the culex pipiens complex are the primary vectors of st. louis encephalitis virus and west nile virus in the mississippi river basin (mrb). the cx. pipiens complex in the mrb is composed of 4 taxa: cx. p. pipiens form pipiens, cx. p. quinquefasciatus, hybrids between cx. p. pipiens f. pipiens and cx. p. quinquefasciatus, and cx. p. pipiens form molestus. three studies on bloodmeal hosts with large sample sizes have been conducted on members of the cx. pipiens complex in the mrb includ ...201223401948
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