
sterilisation of hybrid galapagos tortoises (geochelone nigra) for island restoration. part 2: phallectomy of males under intrathecal anaesthesia with lidocaine.lidocaine intrathecal anaesthesia was used to perform phallectomies in 15 hybrid galapagos tortoises (geochelone nigra) in a field setting as part of a conservation and ecosystem restoration project in the galapagos islands. the intrathecal injection was performed in the dorsal intercoccygeal region of the tail. once the tail and hindlimbs were relaxed and the phallus was easily exteriorised, phallectomy was performed in a routine manner. all the animals recovered well from the procedure and wer ...201121257586
mast cell tumour in a giant galapagos tortoise (geochelone nigra vicina).a well-differentiated cutaneous mast cell tumour was diagnosed in a subadult female giant galapagos tortoise. the tumour was a pedunculated, verrucose mass located near the base of the neck. the histological features, which were diagnostic for a mast cell tumour, included abundant intracytoplasmic granules that were stained metachromatically with giemsa and toluidine blue stains. mast cell tumours are rare in reptiles, and this is the first description of a mast cell tumour in a chelonian.200818308330
extreme difference in rate of mitochondrial and nuclear dna evolution in a large ectotherm, galápagos tortoises.we sequenced approximately 4.5 kb of mtdna from 161 individuals representing 11 named taxa of giant galápagos tortoises (geochelone nigra) and about 4 kb of non-coding nuclear dna from fewer individuals of these same 11 taxa. in comparing mtdna and nucdna divergences, only silent substitutions (introns, its, mtdna control region, and synonymous substitutions in coding sequences) were considered. mtdna divergence was about 30 times greater than that for nucdna. this rate discrepancy for mtdna and ...200415062813
steroid levels and reproductive cycle of the galápagos tortoise, geochelone nigra, living under seminatural conditions on santa cruz island (galápagos).the galápagos islands are home to 11 subspecies of large terrestrial tortoises (geochelone nigra). all galápagos tortoises are considered endangered and approximately 12,000 animals still exist. until now, the reproductive cycle of the galápagos tortoise has been studied only in captive animals, and no data from free-ranging tortoises have been available. during a one-year period, blood samples were collected from male and female g. nigra living under seminatural conditions on santa cruz island, ...199910094864
a survey of the coccidian parasites of reptiles from islands of the galápagos archipelago: 1990-1994.from 1990 through 1994, fecal samples were collected and examined for coccidian parasites from 26 giant land tortoises geochelone nigra, from 715 lava lizards tropidurus spp., from 139 land iguanas conolophus subcristatus, and from 128 marine iguanas amblyrhynchus cristatus, all of which inhabit various islands in the galápagos archipelago. none of the samples from a. cristatus or from c. subcristatus was infected with coccidia. only 1 of 26 (4%) g. nigra was infected with a single eimeria speci ...19968636848
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