
[epidemiologic study of allergy in the school environment].a school environmental study of about 20,000 children from the french department of maine and loire (1/100 of french territory and 1/100 of the total population) was made during the summer of 1987 in all the schools of the region. the replies allowed evaluation of: -- the elements of the environment; . urban or rural . type of building . soils . domestic animals (types, lifestyle, large or small, relationship with the children). -- the proportion of allergic children per classroom, types of sick ...19892713045
mosquito spiroplasmas from france and their ecology.spiroplasmas have been isolated previously from a number of blood-sucking arthropods, including ticks, horseflies, and deerflies. more recently, spiroplasmas were isolated from mosquitoes from the usa, france, and taiwan. spiroplasmas isolated from mosquitoes from france belong to at least three serogroups and are serologically different from one of the taiwan isolates, sp2. our ar 1343 strain is the prototype of a new serogroup (xiii). during 3 consecutive years (1983-85), the ecology of these ...19872889698
inventory of wild rodents and lagomorphs as natural hosts of fasciola hepatica on a farm located in a humid area in loire atlantique (france).with the objective of studying the role of wild fauna in the epidemiology of fasciolosis disease, a definitive wild-host inventory was carried out in a french farm where infected domestic hosts (cows) cohabit with wild potential ones. liver flukes, faecal eggs and antibodies were looked for in lagomorphs (oryctolagus cuniculus) and rodents (myocastor coypus, ondatra zybethicus, rattus norvegicus, arvicola sapidus and micromammal species) trapped in the study area. presence of fasciola hepatica w ...200010887652
prevalence of anticoagulant rodenticide poisoning in humans and animals in france and substances involved.anticoagulant rodenticides have been used for over 50 years to control rodent populations. since their first introduction, resistance developed in rodents, and second-generation products, more active but also more toxic, have been marketed. these compounds are currently being reviewed under european regulations.201021171851
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