
laribacter hongkongensis isolated from a patient with community-acquired gastroenteritis in hangzhou city.we describe the isolation of laribacter hongkongensis in hangzhou city, people's republic of china. one strain of bacterium, named lhhz242, had many of the same phenotypic and genotypic characteristics as laribacter hongkongensis described in previous publications. this discovery proves that laribacter hongkongensis is also associated with community-acquired gastroenteritis outside hong kong.200717021061
isolation of laribacter hongkongensis from little egrets (egretta garzetta) in hangzhou, china.laribacter hongkongensis is well adapted to diverse freshwater environments and is associated with human community-acquired gastroenteritis and traveller's diarrhoea. the study intended to investigate whether l. hongkongensis could be detected in little egrets (egretta garzetta, a widespread aquatic bird) in hangzhou, china.201121299577
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