
restoration through eradication? removal of an invasive bioengineer restores some habitat function for a native predator.invasive aquatic macrophytes increase structural complexity in recipient systems and alter trophic and physical resources; thus, eradication programs that remove plant structure have potential to restore some impaired ecological functions. in this study we evaluate how an invasive ecosystem engineer, atlantic smooth cordgrass (spartina alterniflora), interferes with the movement and foraging activity of a mobile predator, dungeness crab (cancer magister), and whether removal of aboveground cordg ...201021265455
incidence of clostridium botulinum type e in salmon and other marine fish in the pacific northwest.salmon, sole, cod, oysters, clams, and crabs from ocean waters along the coast of oregon and washington were examined for the presence of clostridium botulinum type e. the organism was detected by identification of the type e toxin in enrichment cultures of the viscera of individual fish. of 369 salmon specimens, 48 yielded cultures containing toxin lethal to mice, and almost half of the toxic cultures were shown to contain botulinal toxin, chiefly type e. eighteen of 113 sole and cod specimens, ...19684869616
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