
west nile virus: what physicians need to know. 200212387122
west nile virus activity--united states, august 4-10, 2004.during august 4-10, a total of 89 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (alabama, arizona, california, florida, illinois, kentucky, louisiana, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, new mexico, north dakota, south dakota, and wyoming).200415306758
west nile virus activity--united states, august 11-17, 2004.during august 11-17, a total of 194 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 17 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, florida, illinois, louisiana, maryland, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, new mexico, ohio, south dakota, texas, utah, and virginia).200415318160
west nile virus activity--united states, august 18-24, 2004.during august 18-24, a total of 154 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, connecticut, florida, georgia, illinois, kentucky, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, south dakota, tennessee, and wisconsin).200415329654
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004.during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania).200415343148
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004.during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin).200415371969
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004.during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415385920
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
west nile virus activity--united states, september 29-october 5, 2004.during september 29-october 5, a total of 81 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, florida, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, missouri, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, texas, and virginia).200415470326
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004.during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah).200415483530
pathologic findings in red-tailed hawks (buteo jamaicensis) and cooper's hawks (accipiter cooper) naturally infected with west nile virus.carcasses of 13 red-tailed hawks (rthas) and 11 cooper's hawks (cohas) were tested for west nile virus (wnv) using wnv-specific reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) on fresh brain tissue and wnv-specific immunohistochemistry (ihc) on various organs. ten cohas (91%) and 11 rthas (85%) were positive for wnv rna by rt-pcr. all 11 cohas (100%) and 10 rthas (77%) were positive for wnv antigen by ihc. a triad of inflammatory lesions, including chronic lymphoplasmacytic and histiocy ...200415529979
west nile virus activity--united states, november 3-8, 2004.during november 3-8, a total of 41 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from seven states (california, maryland, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, tennessee, and texas).200415538322
wintering of neurotropic velogenic newcastle disease virus and west nile virus in double-crested cormorants (phalacrocorax auritus) from the florida keys.during november 2002, six double-crested cormorants (dccs; phalacrocorax auritus) were found moribund in big pine key, fl, exhibiting clinical signs indicative of neurologic disease. postmortem diagnostic evaluations were performed on two adult birds. virulent newcastle disease virus (ndv) was isolated from a cloacal swab from cormorant 1. west nile virus (wnv) was isolated from the brain and lung of cormorant 2. nucleotide sequence analysis of a portion of the fusion (f) protein gene of the ndv ...200516094838
west nile virus activity--united states, january 1-august 15, 2006.this report summarizes west nile virus (wnv) surveillance data reported to cdc through arbonet as of 3 a.m. mountain daylight time, august 15, 2006. a total of 26 states had reported 388 cases of human wnv illness to cdc. a total of 214 (56%) cases for which such data were available occurred in males; median age of patients was 49 years (range: 2-91 years). dates of illness onset ranged from january 6 to august 10; a total of 13 cases were fatal. a total of 68 presumptive west nile viremic blood ...200616915222
west nile virus epizootiology, central red river valley, north dakota and minnesota, 2002-2005.west nile virus (wnv) epizootiology was monitored from 2002 through 2005 in the area surrounding grand forks, north dakota. mosquitoes were tested for infection, and birds were surveyed for antibodies. in 2003, wnv was epidemic; in 2004, cool temperatures precluded wnv amplification; and in 2005, immunity in passerines decreased, but did not preclude, wnv amplification.200616965705
using a neural network for mining interpretable relationships of west nile risk factors.the west nile virus (wnv) is an infectious disease spreading rapidly throughout the united states, causing illness among thousands of birds, animals, and humans. yet, we only have a rudimentary understanding of how the mosquito-borne virus operates in complex avian-human environmental systems. the four broad categories of risk factors underlying wnv incidences are: environmental (temperature, precipitation, wetlands), socioeconomic (housing age), built-environment (catch basins, ditches), and ex ...201020950908
fatal pyogranulomatous myocarditis in 10 boxer puppies.over a period of 5 years, 10 pure-bred boxer puppies, 9-16 weeks old, were presented with a history of sudden death and were diagnosed with pyogranulomatous myocarditis. the myocarditis was characterized by a mixed infiltrate composed predominantly of neutrophils and macrophages. in our retrospective study, original case records and archived materials were examined. all dogs were positive for borrelia burgdorferi on immunohistochemistry (ihc). there was no evidence of infectious agents in formal ...201626965234
a serosurvey of diseases of free-ranging gray wolves (canis lupus) in minnesota.we tested serum samples from 387 free-ranging wolves ( canis lupus ) from 2007 to 2013 for exposure to eight canid pathogens to establish baseline data on disease prevalence and spatial distribution in minnesota's wolf population. we found high exposure to canine adenoviruses 1 and 2 (88% adults, 45% pups), canine parvovirus (82% adults, 24% pups), and lyme disease (76% adults, 39% pups). sixty-six percent of adults and 36% of pups exhibited exposure to the protozoan parasite neospora caninum . ...201728192048
mosquitoes in moose country: a mosquito survey of northern adult mosquito survey was conducted at 12 sites using carbon dioxide traps in northern minnesota throughout the summer of 2012. specimens were counted, identified to species, sorted into pools, and tested for eastern equine encephalitis (eeev) and west nile virus (wnv). our findings extend the known range of culiseta melanura, anopheles barberi, and an. quadrimaculatus and document the presence and abundance of 27 other mosquito taxa in the region. none of the pools tested positive for eeev o ...201627280346
clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical findings in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (aquila chrysaetos) naturally infected with west nile virus.fifteen bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and 3 golden eagles (aquila chrysaetos) were diagnosed with west nile disease based on 1) presence of lesions in brain, eyes, and heart, 2) viral antigen detection in brain, eyes, heart, kidney, and/or liver by immunohistochemical staining, 3) detection of viral rna in tissue samples and/or cerebrospinal fluid (csf) by polymerase chain reaction, and/or 4) detection of west nile virus (wnv)-specific antibodies in csf by serum neutralization assay. we ...201425085868
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