
cadmium in caribou and muskoxen from the canadian yukon and northwest territories.cadmium, zinc, copper and metallothionein concentrations were measured in liver and kidney tissue of caribou and muskoxen collected from various sites in the canadian yukon and northwest territories. cadmium concentrations in caribou tissues were substantially higher than in muskoxen for all age classes and were comparable to concentrations reported for caribou from northern québec and norway. no geographical site differences in cadmium concentration were observed. cadmium concentrations were po ...19947911600
radiocesium body burdens in residents of northern canada from 1963-1990.measurements of 137cs body burdens in over 1,100 people from five northern canadian communities were carried out with a portable whole body counting system during the winters of 1989 and 1990. these results are compared with over 3,000 similar measurements carried out during 1967-1969. community mean body burdens and body concentrations had decreased by approximately a factor of 30 between the two survey periods. the dependence of body concentrations on the sex and age of the subjects has also c ...19979030845
spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in canadian arctic freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems: a review.the state of knowledge of contaminants in canadian arctic biota of the freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems has advanced enormously since the publication of the first major reviews by lockhart et al. and thomas et al. in the science of the total environment in 1992. the most significant gains are new knowledge of spatial trends of organochlorines and heavy metal contaminants in terrestrial animals, such as caribou and mink, and in waterfowl, where no information was previously available. spatia ...199910466229
contaminant residue levels in arctic wolves (canis lupus) from the yukon territory, canada.kidney, liver and bone samples were taken from 19 wolves (canis lupus) collected from two locations in the yukon territory. liver samples pooled by age and sex were analyzed for 22 organochlorine pesticides and 101 pcb congeners. individual kidney and liver samples were analyzed for arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, total mercury, selenium and zinc. thirteen individual bone samples were analyzed for lead. while most organochlorines were not present at detectable levels in wolf liver, some chlorobe ...199910635602
prey specialization may influence patterns of gene flow in wolves of the canadian northwest.this study characterizes population genetic structure among grey wolves (canis lupus) in northwestern canada, and discusses potential physical and biological determinants of this structure. four hundred and ninety-one grey wolves, from nine regions in the yukon, northwest territories and british columbia, were genotyped using nine microsatellite loci. results indicate that wolf gene flow is reduced significantly across the mackenzie river, most likely due to the north-south migration patterns of ...200111903892
how and why is aquatic quality changing at nahanni national park reserve, nwt, canada?nahanni national park reserve is located at southwestern nwt-yukon border. one of the first unesco world heritage sites, nahanni lies within taiga cordillera and taiga shield ecozones. base and precious metal mining occurred upstream of nahanni prior to park establishment. nahanni waters, sediments, fish, and caribou have naturally elevated metals levels. baseline water, sediment and fish tissue quality data were collected and analyzed throughout nahanni during 1988-91 and 1992-97. these two pro ...200314570418
geographic distribution of the muscle-dwelling nematode parelaphostrongylus odocoilei in north america, using molecular identification of first-stage larvae.molecular identification of dorsal-spined larvae (dsl) from fecal samples indicates that the protostrongylid parasite parelaphostrongylus odocoilei occupies a broader geographic range in western north america than has been previously reported. we analyzed 2,124 fecal samples at 29 locations from thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli dalli and o. d. stonei), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis and o. c. californiana), mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), ...200516108550
spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in terrestrial biota from the canadian arctic.contaminants in the canadian arctic have been studied over the last twelve years under the guidance of the northern contaminants program. this paper summarizes results from that program from 1998 to 2003 with respect to terrestrial animals in the canadian arctic. the arctic terrestrial environment has few significant contaminant issues, particularly when compared with freshwater and marine environments. both current and historical industrial activities in the north may have a continuing effect o ...200516109438
seasonal effects of pacific-based climate on recruitment in a predator-limited large herbivore.1. climate is an important factor influencing the population dynamics of large herbivores operating directly on individuals or through its effect on forage characteristics. however, the seasonal effect of climate may differ between forage- and predator-limited populations because of a climatic influence on predation rates. the influence of climate on predator-limited large herbivores is less well known than on forage-limited populations. further, the effect of pacific-based climate on large herb ...201020002863
modern and ancient dna reveal recent partial replacement of caribou in the southwest yukon.the long-term persistence of forest-dwelling caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) will probably be determined by management and conservation decisions. understanding the evolutionary relationships between modern caribou herds, and how these relationships have changed through time will provide key information for the design of appropriate management strategies. to explore these relationships, we amplified microsatellite and mitochondrial markers from modern caribou from across the southern yukon, ...201020196813
assessing risk of mercury exposure and nutritional benefits of consumption of caribou (rangifer tarandus) in the vuntut gwitchin first nation community of old crow, yukon, canada.the contamination of traditional foods with chemical pollutants is a challenge to the food security of aboriginal peoples. mercury levels are generally low in terrestrial animals; however renal mercury levels have been shown to change over time in the porcupine caribou herd, the principal food source for the vuntut gwitchin first nation of old crow in yukon, canada. seventy-five porcupine caribou muscle, sixty-three kidney and three liver samples were analyzed for total mercury. average concentr ...201121700277
Community-based health research led by the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.This paper documents an exceptional research partnership developed between the Vuntut Gwitchin Government (VGG) in Old Crow, Yukon, with a group of scientists to examine northern food security and health as part of a larger, multidisciplinary International Polar Year (IPY) research program. We focus on the elements that enabled a successful community-researcher relationship. Study design. The VGG led the development of the research and acted as Principal Investigator on the IPY grant. The multid ...201121884655
climate-driven effects of fire on winter habitat for caribou in the alaskan-yukon arctic.climatic warming has direct implications for fire-dominated disturbance patterns in northern ecosystems. a transforming wildfire regime is altering plant composition and successional patterns, thus affecting the distribution and potentially the abundance of large herbivores. caribou (rangifer tarandus) are an important subsistence resource for communities throughout the north and a species that depends on terrestrial lichen in late-successional forests and tundra systems. projected increases in ...201424991804
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