mosquito species richness, composition, and abundance along habitat-climate-elevation gradients in the northern colorado front range. | we exploited elevation gradients (1,500-2,400 m) ranging from plains to montane areas along the poudre river and big thompson river in the northern colorado front range to determine how mosquito species richness, composition, and abundance change along natural habitat-climate-elevation gradients. mosquito collections in 26 sites in 2006 by using co2-baited cdc light traps yielded a total of 7,136 identifiable mosquitoes of 27 species. commonly collected species included aedes vexans (meigen) (n ... | 2008 | 18714885 |
relationship between distance from major larval habitats and abundance of adult mosquitoes in semiarid plains landscapes in colorado. | we examined the relationship between distance from major larval habitats and abundance of adult mosquitoes in the semiarid plains landscape characteristic of eastern colorado. mosquito collection was conducted from late june to early august 2007 and included trap locations at distances ranging from <10 m up to 20-150 m and 160-373 m from three major larval habitats: one area along a river corridor and two small reservoirs. the study yielded 65,140 mosquitoes of 14 species, and five species were ... | 2009 | 19960672 |
seasonality and time of host-seeking activity of culex tarsalis and floodwater aedes in northern colorado, 2006-2007. | effective and economical control of adult vector and pest mosquitoes requires knowledge of their seasonal abundance and host-seeking activity patterns. we conducted research in 2006-2007 to study these variables for culex tarsalis, aedes vexans, ae. melanimon, and ae. dorsalis in larimer county, co. mosquitoes were collected with traps that segregated catches in 7 consecutive 2-h intervals initiating at 1730 h at 4 sites. seasonal abundance varied for all species by site and year. time of host-s ... | 2010 | 20649124 |
mosquitoes and west nile virus along a river corridor from prairie to montane habitats in eastern colorado. | we conducted studies on mosquitoes and west nile virus (wnv) along a riparian corridor following the south platte river and big thompson river in northeastern colorado and extending from an elevation of 1,215 m in the prairie landscape of the eastern colorado plains to 1,840 m in low montane areas at the eastern edge of the rocky mountains in the central part of the state. mosquito collection during june-september 2007 in 20 sites along this riparian corridor yielded a total of 199,833 identifia ... | 2009 | 20836831 |