
clinical features of community acquired adenovirus pneumonia during the 2011 community outbreak in southern taiwan: role of host immune response.human adenovirus 7 (hadv-7) was responsible for a significant number of fatalities during the 2011 community outbreak in taiwan. the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of severe adenovirus infections in non-immunocompromised individuals remain unclear. adenovirus pneumonia was associated with pleural effusion in a number of patients from the 2011 outbreak suggesting that similar to bacterial pneumonia, patients diagnosed with adenovirus pneumonia who have pleural effusion are more severely a ...201728270104
severe pediatric adenovirus 7 disease in singapore linked to recent outbreaks across asia.during november 2012-july 2013, a marked increase of adenovirus type 7 (ad7) infections associated with severe disease was documented among pediatric patients in singapore. phylogenetic analysis revealed close genetic links with severe ad7 outbreaks in china, taiwan, and other parts of asia.201526079293
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