
studies on the genesis of vibrio cholerae o139: identification of probable progenitor strains.four lines of evidence suggest that the recent outbreak strains of vibrio cholerae o139 could have emerged from serogroup o1 strains typified by isolates m01 and m0477 described in this paper, which are neither truly classical nor truly e1 tor in their biotype attributes. firstly, like all o139 isolates, these o1 strains, isolated in madras during and before the o139 outbreak, were resistant not only to polymyxin b but also to all biotype-specific choleraphages, i.e. classical phage phi 149 and ...19957739019
epidemiology & molecular biology of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal.the emergence of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal as the second aetiologic agent of epidemic cholera in october 1992 in the south indian coastal city of madras has shattered the long-held notion that only v. cholerae belonging to serogroup o1 are capable of causing epidemic (and pandemic) cholera. within months of its appearance in madras, v. cholerae o139 engulfed the entire indian subcontinent in a series of outbreaks of cholera. it also spread to several neighbouring countries in asia. several wes ...19968783504
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