
[study on the geographic distribution and serological typing of hfrs in hebei province].surveillance on the hfrs had been carried out during the period of 1986-1993. rodent density ranged from 4.6%-12.2% with r.norvegicus exceeding 60% in all kinds of rodents. hv antigen carrier rate of r.norvegicus was 1.3%-7.5%, much higher than that among other rodents. a significantly positive correlation had been observed between the hfrs morbidity and the r.norvegicus density. of 129 specimens from hfrs patients, 89% belonged to the type of seov. in the eastern and centre parts of hebei plain ...19968758402
[investigation on hantaviruses infection in rodents from free markets in beijing areas].in order to find out the factors related to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs) infection, and to evaluate the probability of ecdemic hantaviruses (hv) infection in rodents in beijing areas.200616749997
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