
prevalence and intensity of haemobaphes diceraus (copepoda: pennellidae) from shiner perch, cymatogaster aggregata (embiotocidae).the prevalence and intensity of the hematophagous pennellid copepod haemobaphes diceraus were monitored over a 10-mo period in shiner perch cymatogaster aggregata at pipers lagoon, nanaimo, british columbia. the prevalence and mean intensity of metamorphosed adult female h. diceraus (n = 421) were 10.0% and 1.2 (+/-0.5 sd), respectively. the majority (97.9%) of infected fish had single infections, reflecting the possibility of intensity-dependent parasite-induced mortality, rejection of addition ...200212053967
a new gyrodactylid (monogenea) parasitizing bay pipefish (syngnathus leptorhynchus) from the pacific coast of north america.gyrodactylus leptorhynchi n. sp. (monogenea) is described from bay pipefish ( syngnathus leptorhynchus ) (syngnathidae) in coastal waters of southern california and british columbia, and from an outbreak of gyrodactylosis at the cabrillo marine aquarium in california. gyrodactylus leptorhynchi is morphologically similar (stout hamuli, superficial bar with no anterolateral processes, and a small, triangular membrane, similarly shaped marginal hook sickles, and a male copulatory organ [mco] with n ...201323088449
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