
trichothecene genotype composition of fusarium graminearum not differentiated among isolates from maize stubble, maize ears, wheat spikes, and the atmosphere in new order to test the hypothesis that the trichothecene genotype composition of local populations of fusarium graminearum is structured by specific habitats, a collection of 1,407 isolates was obtained from overwintered maize stubble, mature maize ears and wheat spikes, and the atmosphere 1.5 m aboveground during the flowering stage of these crops. these isolates were sampled at three diverse agricultural locations in new york state: namely, aurora (sampled in 2012 and 2013) in central new york, ...201525651052
fusarium graminearum isolates from wheat and maize in new york show similar range of aggressiveness and toxigenicity in cross-species pathogenicity tests.this study aimed to assess whether pathogenic fusarium graminearum isolates from wheat and maize were more aggressive on their host of origin and whether aggressiveness was influenced further by b-trichothecene chemotype. fifteen isolates were selected from a contemporary collection of isolates surveyed in new york in 2011 to 2012 to represent diversity of host of origin and chemotype. three pathogenicity assays were used to evaluate and compare these isolates. fusarium head blight (fhb) severit ...201525338173
fitness attributes of fusarium graminearum isolates from wheat in new york possessing a 3-adon or 15-adon trichothecene all, 50 isolates of fusarium graminearum from wheat spikes in new york, including 25 isolates each of the 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15-adon) and 3-adon genotype, were tested to determine whether 3-adon isolates are more fit for saprophytic survival and pathogenicity on wheat spikes than are 15-adon isolates. the isolates were characterized and compared for 14 different attributes of saprophytic fitness and pathogenic fitness on a susceptible wheat variety. isolates of the two genotypes could ...201424283539
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