
neurologic disease in reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) introduced into ontario. 19715101968
blood cadmium, game consumption and tobacco smoking in southern ontario anglers and hunters. 19979094805
continental divide: predicting climate-mediated fragmentation and biodiversity loss in the boreal forest.climate change threatens natural landscapes through shifting distribution and abundance of species and attendant change in the structure and function of ecosystems. however, it remains unclear how climate-mediated variation in species' environmental niche space may lead to large-scale fragmentation of species distributions, altered meta-population dynamics and gene flow, and disrupted ecosystem integrity. such change may be especially relevant when species distributions are restricted either spa ...201728505173
compensatory selection for roads over natural linear features by wolves in northern ontario: implications for caribou conservation.woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) in ontario are a threatened species that have experienced a substantial retraction of their historic range. part of their decline has been attributed to increasing densities of anthropogenic linear features such as trails, roads, railways, and hydro lines. these features have been shown to increase the search efficiency and kill rate of wolves. however, it is unclear whether selection for anthropogenic linear features is additive or compensatory to se ...201729117234
towards an energetic landscape: broad-scale accelerometry in woodland caribou.energetic balance is a central driver of individual survival and population change, yet estimating energetic costs in free- and wide-ranging animals presents a significant challenge. animal-borne activity monitors (using accelerometer technology) present a promising method of meeting this challenge and open new avenues for exploring energetics in natural settings. to determine the behaviours and estimated energetic costs associated with a given activity level, three captive reindeer (rangifer ta ...201424286372
lichen conservation in heavily managed boreal forests.lichens are an important component of the boreal forest, where they are long lived, tend to accumulate in older stands, and are a major food source for the threatened woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou). to be fully sustainable, silvicultural practices in the boreal forest must include the conservation of ecological integrity. dominant forest management practices, however, have short-term negative effects on lichen diversity, particularly the application of herbicides. to better underst ...201323869621
environmental and individual drivers of animal movement patterns across a wide geographical gradient.within the rapidly developing field of movement ecology, much attention has been given to studying the movement of individuals within a subset of their population's occupied range. our understanding of the effects of landscape heterogeneity on animal movement is still fairly limited as it requires studying the movement of multiple individuals across a variety of environmental conditions. gaining deeper understanding of the environmental drivers of movement is a crucial component of predictive mo ...201323020517
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