
sus scrofa domestica endoparasitic resistance in the amazonas.the domestic pig (sus scrofa domestica l.) has been wild breeding in the varzea amazonian estuary area. without dietary supplement or medical prevention, the pigs survive, bringing economic benefits to local peasants. endoparasitic diseases generate economic losses because of neonatal death and clinical disease. we assessed the nematoda (o. nematoda) and coccidia (o. eucoccidia) parasitic level and tolerance in 75 pigs (0-18 months) from 35 families using the following methods: (i) larvae cultur ...19968784532
nematode parasite infections of domestic pigs in a sub-tropical and high-rainfall area of india.fourteen hundred and ninety-six domestic pigs, sus scrofa domestica l., from a sub-tropical and high-rainfall area of india were examined over a period of 18 months to ascertain their nematode parasite spectrum. the eleven species recovered, arranged in descending order of prevalence, are as follows: ascaris suum, oesophagostomum dentatum, bourgelatia diducta, stephanurus dentatus, globocephalus connorfilii, physocephalus sexalutus, ascarops dentata, a. strongylina, pseudocruzia orientalis, seta ...19892787072
experimental infection of collared peccary ( dicotyles tajacu angulatus ) with swine kidney worm ( stephanurus dentatus ).two captive-born juvenile collared peccaries ( dicotyles tajacu angulatus ) were given 3000 infective larvae of stephanurus dentatus per os. one peccary harbored viable s. dentatus sub-adults in the liver 50 days post-infection. the other peccary had no larvae but did have diffuse fibrotic hepatic lesions and bile duct hyperplasia 213 days post-infection; however, the lesions may have been partially due to a concurrent ascaris suum infection. a domestic pig ( sus scrofa domesticus ) infected as ...197724228971
survey for selected pathogens in wild pigs (sus scrofa) from guam, marianna islands, usa.pigs (sus scrofa) were introduced to guam in the 1600's and are now present in high densities throughout the island. wild pigs are reservoirs for pathogens of concern to domestic animals and humans. exposure to porcine parvovirus, transmissible gastroenteritis, and leptospira interrogans has been documented in domestic swine but data from wild pigs are lacking. the close proximity of humans, domestic animals, and wild pigs, combined with the liberal hunting of wild pigs, results in frequent oppo ...201728622856
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