
epidemiological studies of brachyspira pilosicoli in two australian piggeries.the epidemiology of infection with the intestinal spirochaete brachyspira pilosicoli within pig herds is incompletely understood. to investigate this further, cross-sectional and cohort studies were undertaken on two piggeries. faeces were subjected to selective culture, and dna was extracted from growth on the primary media and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). on one farm, samples from other animal species and the environment were also examined. isolates were subjected to multilocu ...200312636999
phenotypic and genetic diversity among intestinal spirochaetes (genus brachyspira) in free-living wild mallards (anas platyrhynchos) sampled in southern sweden.brachyspira spp. are anaerobic intestinal spirochaetes that colonize vertebrates. some species cause enteric diseases in pigs, chickens and possibly in humans, whereas others display a commensual relationship with their hosts. the aims were to investigate the prevalence among colonized free-living wild mallards (anas platyrhynchos) of three enteropathogenic brachyspira spp., and to describe the biodiversity of brachyspira spp. isolates. isolates from 150 birds were screened by pcr for 3 pathogen ...201122036527
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