
[screening strains for trichoderma spp. for strong antagonism against ginseng root pathogens and study on their biological characters].to screen the trichodenna spp. for strong antagonist against ginseng root pathogens.200617225530
molecular differentiation and detection of ginseng-adapted isolates of the root rot fungus cylindrocarpon destructans.abstract the soilborne fungus cylindrocarpon destructans (teleomorph: neonectria radicicola) causes root rot in a wide range of plant hosts; the disease is of particular concern in ginseng production, and in conifer and fruit tree nurseries. beta-tubulin gene and rrna gene internal transcribed spacer (its) sequence data and pathogenicity assays were used to characterize isolates of c. destructans from ginseng and other hosts. the results of these studies demonstrated a high amount of sequence di ...200318943617
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