
haemophilus aphrophilus cholecystitis.cultures from the gallbladder and blood of a 60-year-old man with acute cholecystitis grew haemophilus aphrophilus. this organism, an unusual isolate in clinical specimens, is most frequently seen in patients with either endocarditis or brain abscesses. haemophilus aphrophilus may be distinguished from eikenella corrodens and actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans on the basis of colonial morphology and the biochemical tests for oxidase and catalase production and fermentation of lactose, sucrose, ...1978637050
synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide probes for the rapid detection of bacteria associated with human periodontitis.analysis of the subgingival microflora has recently implicated actinobacillus (haemophilus) actinomycetemcomitans and several black bacteroides species in the aetiology of juvenile, adult and rapidly progressing periodontitis. rapid bacteriological diagnosis has been hampered by the slow growth and fastidious nature of these bacteria. to construct diagnostic probes, dideoxy sequencing of the 16s rrna molecules from a. (h.) actinomycetemcomitans, haemophilus aphrophilus, bacteroides gingivalis, b ...19882469776
selective medium for the isolation of haemophilus aphrophilus from the human periodontium and other oral sites and the low proportion of the organism in the oral flora.we developed a medium for the selective recovery of haemophilus aphrophilus. the medium, designated tsbvf, was composed of 4% tryptic soy agar, 10% heat-inactivated horse serum, 75 micrograms of bacitracin per ml, 5 micrograms of vancomycin per ml, and 50 micrograms of sodium fluoride per ml. tsbvf yielded a threefold higher recovery of oral h. aphrophilus than did chocolate agar with 75 micrograms of bacitracin per ml, which is a medium routinely used to diagnose human haemophilus infections. h ...19863700628
reinvestigation and reclassification of a collection of 56 human isolates of pasteurellaceae.incorrect diagnosis of species belonging to the family pasteurellaceae pohl 1981 is often due to inadequate laboratory identification techniques. reinvestigations of 56 human isolates of pasteurellaceae and comparison of the results obtained with those obtained from nine reference strains in 65 different tests allowed classification of 26 strains as p. multocida ssp. multocida, 11 strains as p. multocida ssp. septica, 12 strains as p. canis, 4 strains as p. dagmatis and 1 strain as p. stomatitis ...19863751576
haemophilus aphrophilus endocarditis.haemophilus aphrophilus was isolated from the blood of a 31-year-old man with subacute bacterial endocarditis. subsequently the patient died with acute tubular necrosis of the kidney, probably secondary to cardiac failure. the characteristics of the species are described and pathogenicity to mice is reported for the first time.19695798638
serology of oral actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and serotype distribution in human periodontal disease.actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans from the human oral cavity was serologically characterized with rabbit antisera to the type strain nctc 9710; a number of reference strains, including y4, atcc 29522, atcc 29523, atcc 29524, nctc 9709; and our own isolates representative of each of 10 biotypes. using immunoabsorbed antisera, we identified three distinct serotypes by immunodiffusion and indirect immunofluorescence. serotype a was represented by atcc 29523 and sunyab 75; serotype b was represen ...19836407997
killing of actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and haemophilus aphrophilus by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes in serum and saliva.the ability of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from human peripheral blood to kill actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and haemophilus aphrophilus was examined with fresh isolates and laboratory strains from each species (5 strains within each group) under different conditions. bacterial cells were mixed with a polymorphonuclear leukocyte suspension in the presence of either active serum or heat-inactivated serum or active serum together with sterile-filtered saliva. surviving bacteria were determ ...19938233566
haemophilus paraphrophilus; a rare cause of intracranial abscess.we report a case of a 42-year-old man man who presented with neurological symptoms and was found to have an intracranial abscess. a stereotactic aspiration of the abscess yielded a pure growth of haemophilus paraphrophilus. the patient responded to treatment with cefotaxime. we postulate the mechanism of infection in this patient.19989733388
growth differences of capnocytophaga canimorsus strains and some other fastidious organisms on various columbia-based blood agar media.three human isolates of capnocytophaga canimorsus from blood cultures showed no growth when cultivated on sheep blood agar plates based on bbl columbia agar base, whereas the same three strains grew excellently on sheep blood agar plates based on difco columbia agar bases no. 2 or eh. two of the three strains also grew well on blood agar plates based on biomérieux columbia agar. strains that grew better on either difco or biomérieux columbia based blood agar plates were found among eikenella cor ...19959810657
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