
[leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae infections]. 1979481886
experimental infections of brush-tailed possums, common wombats and water rats with leptospira interrogans serovars balcanica and hardjo.of 12 brush-tailed possums (trichosurus vulpecula) inoculated with leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica 11 developed migroagglutination (ma) antibody to jardjo antigen by 14 days postincubation (pi). leptospiruria was observed in 2 possums 117 to 145 days pi. of 6 possums inoculated with serovar hardjo 4 developed low short-lived titres by day 18 pi. two of 3 wombats (vombatus ursinus) inoculated with balcanica had high ma titres (greater than or equal to 1:128) by day 16 pi and leptospiruri ...1979533478
evaluation of the hemagglutination test for epidemiologic studies of leptospiral antibodies in wild mammals.sera from 153 wild animals of 18 species were tested for antibodies against 12 serovars of leptospira by the microscopic agglutination (ma) test. seventy-five percent of the animals tested were seropositive against one or more of the 12 serovars used. the most commonly found serovars were pomona, autumnalis, pyrogenes, icterohaemorrhagiae, australis, and canicola. of 62 carnivores representing 7 species, 55 (89%) were seropositive, as were 46 (60%) of 77 rodents from 9 species. leptospira of the ...1978650784
leptospirosis in colombia: isolation of leptospira spp. from the kidneys of brown rats (rattus norvegicus) trapped on infected piggeries.leptospira interrogans serotypes pomona and icterohaemorrhagiae were isolated from the kidneys of rattus norvegicus trapped on pomona infected piggeries. the isolation of pomona from one of 111 cultured kidneys, although of interest, strongly suggests that this rat does not play an important part in the epidemiology of infection by this serotype. kidney tubular degeneration, focal mononuclear infiltrations and fibroplasia are morphological traces which remain after an attack of leptospirosis. th ...1978664013
dynamic changes in the epidemiology of canicola fever in israel. natural adaptation of an established serotype to a new reservoir host.investigation of human leptospirosis caused by the serotype canicola revealed a significant shift in the chain of infection of this disease. the adaptation of an old and well-established serotype to a new and abundant host, the norway rat, provides a new means for spreading and transferring canicola fever to man and farm animals. the changes in the epidemiology of leptospirosis described should serve as a warning to epidemiologists responsible for suggesting proper prophylactic measures.1977831464
a comparative investigation and identification of leptospira interrogans serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae strains by monoclonal antibody and dna fingerprint analyses.the identification of leptospira interrogans icterohaemorrhagiae strains from a number of reference laboratories were confirmed using monoclonal antibody (moab) and dna restriction endonuclease (ecor1) analyses. with a few exceptions, strain fidelity was demonstrated. three clinical isolates and one isolate from a rat (rattus norvegicus) were identified on dna fragment patterns and found to be similar to the reference strains, icterohaemorrhagiae copenhageni, i. "icterohaemorrhagiae" ictero i an ...19911930573
leptospires in rattus spp. on barbados.among 138 rattus norvegicus and 98 r. rattus trapped on barbados in 1964-65 and examined for evidence of leptospiral infection, seropositivity prevalence rates were similar (34 and 30%, respectively), but isolation/dark field microscopy rates were higher in r. norvegicus (27%) than r. rattus (15%). r. norvegicus carried mainly serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae and r. rattus mainly serogroup autumnalis. these two serogroups cause 90% of severe human leptospirosis on the island.19912023284
restriction endonuclease dna analysis of leptospira interrogans serovars icterohaemorrhagiae and copenhageni.leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strains ictero no. i and rga and serovar copenhageni strains m20, shiromizu and shibaura were examined by restriction endonuclease dna analysis. fifteen endonucleases (alui, bamhi, bglii, ecori, haeiii, hhai, hindiii, kpni, psti, saci, sali, smai, styi, xbai and xhoi) were used as the digesting enzymes. strain ictero no. i showed endonuclease cleavage patterns which differed from those of the other four strains only when it was digested with enz ...19882850447
[populations of pathogenic leptospira of varying virulence in nature].the study of geographically remote populations of norway rats (rattus norvegicus) revealed that in one of these populations a highly virulent population of leptospira copenhageni, serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae, and in another population of rats a faintly virulent population of these microorganisms circulated simultaneously. at the same time in vitro experiments with leptospira cultures showed the absence of the constant probability of sharp changes in the level of their virulence in time.19883195265
[leptospirosis--a topical case of weil's disease]. 19725070385
further studies on leptospirosis in small rodents and shrews in finland. a report of investigation made in 1963-64. 19705463868
[occupational leptospiroses in bohemia and moravia]. 19645890663
[etiological structure of icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis in gray rats (rattus norvegicus)].in 93 leptospira strains isolated from norwegian rats serovar determination was made. as a result, leptospires circulating among norwegian rats were found to belong mainly to serovar copenhageni, group icterohaemorrhagiae, while leptospires of serovar icterohaemorrhagiae, even if occurring, were found only in the animals inhabiting pigsties. leptospirosis epizooty among rats, caused by l. icterohaemorrhagiae, took its course independently of leptospirosis epizooty among mice, caused by l. hebdom ...19836225275
survey of rats (rattus norvegicus) in kuwait for the presence of leptospira.a survey of brown rats (rattus norvegicus) was made in kuwait in 1979 for the presence of leptospira organisms. kidney tissue from 49 rats, trapped mostly from various kuwait city districts, were cultured on e.m.j.h. and stuart media. eight leptospira strains were isolated; all strains were identical and belonged to leptospira interrogans canicola serogroup; they were later identified as a new serovar kuwait. the frequency of l. interrogans group canicola carriers among the local rats in kuwait ...19836612771
leptospirosis in israel: a report of 14 cases caused by icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup (1968-82).fourteen cases of leptospirosis due to the leptospira interrogans serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae (weil's disease) were serologically confirmed in the last 15 years. in two cases, icterohaemorrhagiae was also isolated from the patients' blood. both positive cultures were obtained in korthof's medium by indirect passage through brain-heart infusion medium. one of the isolates was identified as serovar budapest, which has never been reported in israel. in most of the cases, paradoxical cross-reactio ...19846706536
guidelines for the control of leptospirosis. 19827184280
the norway rat as a selective chronic carrier of leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae.laboratory raised wild norway rat males (rattus norvegicus) were injected with leptospires of two serovars: icterohaemorrhagiae and grippotyphosa. the development of a carrier state was monitored serologically, culturally and histologically. rats infected with icterohaemorrhagiae developed rapidly into a chronic carrier state and shed leptospires in the urine for the duration of the experiment (220 days). at the time of necropsy, histopathologic studies showed evidence of leptospiral infections ...19817253100
[leptospira infected rat population as probable cause of a fatal case of weil's disease].in the summer of 1992 a patient died of a leptospiral infection which he probably had contracted while he was swimming in an artificial lake in the region of tübingen/reutlingen. regarding the epidemiological role of leptospirosis the rodent population was investigated, because rats and mice were often seen in the surrounding area. 11 rats and 20 mice could be trapped. from their urine or kidneys two leptospiral serovars were isolated: serovar copenhageni from rattus norvegicus and serovar saxko ...19958593131
sporadic urban leptospirosis.surprisingly, many inner-city residents have antibodies to leptospira interrogans. the manner in which these persons acquire this organism in the absence of recognized occupational, recreational, or epidemic risk factors is not known.19968928985
first epidemiological data on pathogenic leptospires isolated on the azorean islands.insectivores (erinaceus europaeus) and rodents (rattus rattus, r. norvegicus and mus musculus) from different islands of the azores archipelago were found to carry three distinct leptospira interrogans s.l. serovars (copenhageni, icterohaemorrhagiae and ballum) which have never been previously investigated there. the house mouse and the black rat were the major leptospira reservoirs showing isolation rates ranging from 0% for both species (in graciosa) to 88% and 33%, respectively (in sãao migue ...19979258550
rattus norvegicus acting as reservoir of leptospira interrogans in the middle black sea region of turkey, as evidenced by pcr and presence of serum antibodies to leptospira strain.leptospirosis, a common form of zoonosis, especially in rainy countries, is caused by leptospira interrogans. in our region of turkey this type of disease has often been encountered in connection with rice harvesting and we therefore attempted to evaluate the prevalence of l. interrogans in wild rats in our region. fifty-nine rattus norvegicus rats were trapped alive in different areas of an approximately 100 km stretch of seashore in the middle black sea region of turkey. l. interrogans was det ...200111868761
[leptospira icterohemorrhagiae in rats in bratislava]. 195213041953
[leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and leptospira sejroe in breeds of white rats and mice]. 196514344750
[carriage of leptospira by rats]. 195514387233
leptospiral infection and seropositivity in rodents. 200415454331
seroprevalence of leptospirosis among high-risk population of andaman islands, india.leptospirosis is a severe spirochetal zoonosis in the world. it is considered an occupational disease of persons engaged in agriculture, sewage works, forestry, and animal slaughtering. a study was conducted with an objective of assessing the seroprevalence of leptospirosis among the high-risk groups of andaman islands. a total of 611 sera samples from different high-risk populations were collected and tested by microscopic agglutination test (mat). genetic characterization of the isolate was do ...200616474084
a survey of zoonotic pathogens carried by norway rats in baltimore, maryland, usa.norway rats (rattus norvegicus) carry several zoonotic pathogens and because rats and humans live in close proximity in urban environments, there exists potential for transmission. to identify zoonotic agents carried by rats in baltimore, maryland, usa, we live-trapped 201 rats during 2005-2006 and screened them for a panel of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. antibodies against seoul virus (57.7%), hepatitis e virus (hev, 73.5%), leptospira interrogans (65.3%), bartonella elizabethae (34.1%), a ...200717224086
[secondary leptospirosis].the author describes cases of secondary leptospirosis. secondary infection with leptospiras occurred in patients with concomitant pathology. in connection with occupational activity or life-style the patients got infected from rattus norvegicus.200717523412
seroepidemiological survey of rodents collected at a u.s. military installation, yongsan garrison, seoul, republic of korea.a seroepidemiological study of selected rodent-borne diseases (hantavirus [seoul [seo] virus], scrub typhus [orientia tsutsugamushi], murine typhus [rickettsia typhi], and leptospirosis [leptospira interrogans]), as part of the u.s. military rodent surveillance and control program, was conducted from 2001 through 2005 at yongsan garrison, seoul, republic of korea. rodents were collected to determine the prevalence of rodent-borne diseases at a u.s. military installation in an urban environment. ...200717691691
molecular detection of leptospira interrogans in human tissues and environmental samples in a lethal case of leptospirosis.a forensic case of suspected leptospirosis with fatal course was resolved by the molecular detection of leptospira interrogans in postmortem human tissues and in environmental samples. polymerase chain reaction analysis and dna sequencing confirmed the clinical diagnosis of weil syndrome, and the death was considered to be an occupational accident with all the legal implications.200817943302
human and canine leptospirosis: serological data of são paulo city, brazil, 2000 to 2003.sera from humans and dogs were tested by microscopic agglutination test. icterohaemorrhagiae was the predominant serogroup in both groups, associated with the infestation of rattus norvegicus.200517966484
morphological alterations in the kidney of rats with natural and experimental leptospira infection.leptospirosis is a widespread anthropozoonosis, with a broad array of mammalian reservoirs, occurring as rural endemics, urban outbreaks related to floods, and emergent disease associated with water sports and recreational exposure in developed countries. rats are the major source of human infection, particularly in urban areas; however few reports have focused on the pathology of leptospirosis in this host. this study reports pathological changes in 60 kidneys from captured wild rats and compar ...200717996544
rattus norvegicus as a model for persistent renal colonization by pathogenic leptospira interrogans.leptospirosis continues to be a disease with a poorly understood pathogenesis. the experimental rat model is amenable for the investigation of leptospiral dissemination, tropism, persistence of renal colonization and factors related to disease resistance. in this study, wistar rats were infected intraperitoneally with virulent leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni strain fiocruz l1-130. the detection of leptospires in tissue samples was based on culture, silver staining and immunofluorescen ...200818093568
carriage of leptospira interrogans among domestic rats from an urban setting highly endemic for leptospirosis in brazil.a survey was conducted to identify reservoirs for urban leptospirosis in the city of salvador, brazil. sampling protocols were performed in the vicinity of households of severe leptospirosis cases identified during active hospital-based surveillance. among a total of 142 captured rattus norvegicus (norwegian brown rat), 80.3% had a positive culture isolate from urine or kidney specimens and 68.1% had a positive serum sample by microscopic agglutination test (mat) titre of > or = 1:100. monoclona ...200818721789
proteomic analysis of leptospira interrogans shed in urine of chronically infected hosts.leptospirosis is a global zoonotic disease. the causative agent, pathogenic leptospira species, survives in the renal tubules of chronically infected hosts, from where leptospires are shed via urine into the environment. infection of new hosts can present as an array of acute and chronic disease processes reflecting variations in host-pathogen interactions. the present study was designed to reproduce the carrier phase of infection in rattus norvegicus, thus facilitating shedding of leptospires i ...200818765721
targeted mutagenesis in pathogenic leptospira species: disruption of the ligb gene does not affect virulence in animal models of leptospirosis.the pathogenic mechanisms of leptospira interrogans, the causal agent of leptospirosis, remain largely unknown. this is mainly due to the lack of tools for genetically manipulating pathogenic leptospira species. thus, homologous recombination between introduced dna and the corresponding chromosomal locus has never been demonstrated for this pathogen. leptospiral immunoglobulin-like repeat (lig) proteins were previously identified as putative leptospira virulence factors. in this study, a ligb mu ...200818809657
human leptospirosis cases and the prevalence of rats harbouring leptospira interrogans in urban areas of tokyo, japan.thirteen patients with leptospirosis were identified, as confirmed by laboratory analysis during the last 5 years in our laboratory, who came from urban areas of tokyo, japan. all of the patients came into contact with rats before the onset of illness. seventeen per cent of norway rats captured in the inner cities of tokyo carried leptospires in their kidneys. most of these rat isolates were leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni/icterohaemorrhagiae. antibodies against these serovars and the ...200919528143
the prophylaxis of weil's disease (spirochaetosis icterohaemorrhagica).we have already described briefly the portals of entry and of excretion of the pathogenic spirochetes. we may mention here that we have twice prevented epidemics by disinfection of the ground and the removal of the inundated water in certain places in coal mines. in one mine 19 out of 50 workmen, and in another 9 out of 30 workmen came down with weil's disease in about 2 weeks. we have already pointed out that the period during which the pathogenic spirochetes are excreted in the urine continues ...191619868055
evolutionary implication of outer membrane lipoprotein-encoding genes ompl1, upl32 and lipl41 of pathogenic leptospira species.leptospirosis is recognized as the most widespread zoonosis with a global distribution. in this study, the antigenic variation in leptospira interrogans and leptospira borgpetersenii isolated from human urine and field rat kidney was preliminarily confirmed by microscopic agglutination test using monoclonal antibodies, and was further subjected to amplification and identification of outer membrane lipoproteins with structural gene variation. sequence similarity analysis revealed that these prote ...200919944382
[detection of leptospira organisms in rattus rattus of two islands in the mozambique channel: europa and juan-de-nova].europa and juan-de-nova are two little coral islands in the mozambique channel. they are only occupied by a troop detachment of 15 men, who exercise the french sovereignty and maintain the island. during these activities, the men work in dampness and they can encounter rats. the aim of this survey is to show presence of leptospirosis in these islands by testing rat kidney by specific pcr. the results found a positive specimen on each island (2/52) indicating a previously unknown presence of lept ...201020099052
isolation of leptospira interrogans from suburban rats in tandil, buenos aires, argentina.the main objective of this study was to investigate the role of wild rodents as leptospira spp. reservoirs in a suburban area of tandil city, buenos aires province (argentina), where a person had died due to pulmonary leptospirosis. the specific objectives were: to estimate the rodent density near the patient's home, to determine the serological prevalence and isolation of leptospirosis from wild rodents, and to identify the isolated strains. the area examined was a suburban neighbourhood in tan ...201020589335
serosurvey for canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, leptospira interrogans, and toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging canids in scandinavia and svalbard.prevalence of antibodies reactive to canine distemper virus (cdv), canine adenovirus type 1 (cav-1), leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae, and toxoplasma gondii were examined in free-ranging scandinavian canids. sampling included 275 red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from mainland norway, 60 arctic foxes (vulpes lagopus) from the high-arctic islands of svalbard, and 98 wolves (canis lupus) from the joint swedish-norwegian population. methods used included virus neutralization ...201020688639
weil's disease in a rat owner. 201121272795
adenosine deaminase activity in serum, erythrocytes and lymphocytes of rats infected with leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae.leptospirosis is a systemic disease of humans and domestic animals, mainly dogs, cattle and swine. the course of human leptospirosis varies from mild to severe fatal forms and the most severe form of human leptospirosis is principally caused by leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae (l. icterohaemorrhagiae). the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ada) plays an important role in the production and differentiation of blood cells. the aim of this study was to evaluate the activity of ada in se ...201121320715
oral immunization with escherichia coli expressing a lipidated form of liga protects hamsters against challenge with leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni.leptospirosis is a potentially fatal zoonosis transmitted by reservoir host animals that harbor leptospires in their renal tubules and shed the bacteria in their urine. leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni transmitted from rattus norvegicus to humans is the most prevalent cause of urban leptospirosis. we examined l. interrogans liga, domains 7 to 13 (liga7-13), as an oral vaccine delivered by escherichia coli as a lipidated, membrane-associated protein. the efficacy of the vaccine was eval ...201424478102
cross-sectional study of leptospira seroprevalence in humans, rats, mice, and dogs in a main tropical sea-port city.samples were collected from 128 symptomatic humans, 83 dogs, 49 mice, and 20 rats (rattus rattus: 16; rattus norvegicus: 4) in neighborhoods where human leptospirosis have been reported within the principal sea-port city of colombia. seroprevalences were assessed against 19 pathogenic, 1 intermediate pathogenic, and 1 saprophytic leptospira serogroups. pathogenic leptospira were confirmed using conventional leptospira-specific polymerase chain-reaction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analys ...201323149584
first isolates of leptospira spp., from rodents captured in angola.rodents play an important role in the transmission of pathogenic leptospira spp. however, in angola, neither the natural reservoirs of these spirochetes nor leptospirosis diagnosis has been considered. regarding this gap, we captured rodents in luanda and huambo provinces to identify circulating leptospira spp. rodent kidney tissue was cultured and dna amplified and sequenced. culture isolates were evaluated for pathogenic status and typing with rabbit antisera; polymerase chain reaction (pcr) a ...201626928840
leptospirosis in the republic of korea: historical perspectives, current status and future challenges.leptospirosis is an important public health problem in the republic of korea (rok), occurring sporadically or in outbreaks during the autumn season. wild rodents, apodemus agrarius, have been mainly involved in human leptospirosis. the majority of carrier animals are infected with leptospira interrogans serovar lai. the characteristic pulmonary involvement or hemorrhage may increase the clinical severity or result in fatal outcomes, and these aspects continue to be a threat to people in endemic ...201324265962
ecology of leptospira interrogans in norway rats (rattus norvegicus) in an inner-city neighborhood of vancouver, canada.leptospira interrogans is a bacterial zoonosis with a worldwide distribution for which rats (rattus spp.) are the primary reservoir in urban settings. in order to assess, monitor, and mitigate the risk to humans, it is important to understand the ecology of this pathogen in rats. the objective of this study was to characterize the ecology of l. interrogans in norway rats (rattus norvegicus) in an impoverished inner-city neighborhood of vancouver, canada.201323818996
detection of zoonotic pathogens and characterization of novel viruses carried by commensal rattus norvegicus in new york city.norway rats (rattus norvegicus) are globally distributed and concentrate in urban environments, where they live and feed in closer proximity to human populations than most other mammals. despite the potential role of rats as reservoirs of zoonotic diseases, the microbial diversity present in urban rat populations remains unexplored. in this study, we used targeted molecular assays to detect known bacterial, viral, and protozoan human pathogens and unbiased high-throughput sequencing to identify ...201425316698
the relationship between socioeconomic indices and potentially zoonotic pathogens carried by wild norway rats: a survey in rhône, france (2010-2012).leptospira interrogans, hantaviruses (particularly seoul virus), hepatitis e virus (hev), and toxoplasma gondii are rat-associated zoonoses that are responsible for human morbidity and mortality worldwide. this study aimed to describe the infection patterns of these four pathogens in wild rats (rattus norvegicus) across socioeconomic levels in neighbourhoods in lyon, france. the infection or exposure status was determined using polymerase chain reaction or serology for 178 wild rats captured in ...201424838220
infections by leptospira interrogans, seoul virus, and bartonella spp. among norway rats (rattus norvegicus) from the urban slum environment in brazil.norway rats (rattus norvegicus) are reservoir hosts for zoonotic pathogens that cause significant morbidity and mortality in humans. studies evaluating the prevalence of zoonotic pathogens in tropical norway rat populations are rare, and data on co-infection with multiple pathogens are nonexistent. herein, we describe the prevalence of leptospiral carriage, seoul virus (seov), and bartonella spp. infection independently, in addition to the rates of co-infection among urban, slum-dwelling norway ...201424359425
heterogenic colonization patterns by leptospira interrogans in rattus norvegicus from urban slums.we evaluated the renal colonization by leptospira interrogans in rattus norvegicus (rats), as it is the major natural reservoir of urban leptospirosis. we caught 72 r. norvegicus, out of which 32 were found to be positive for l. interrogans by immunofluorescence assay. from these rats, we selected 17 and divided them into six groups based on the mass-age/sex. we performed the immunohistochemistry test against l. interrogans in the kidney sections of the rats and systematically counted the coloni ...201526691476
distribution of leptospira interrogans by multispacer sequence typing in urban norway rats (rattus norvegicus): a survey in france in 2011-2013.urban leptospirosis has increasingly been reported in both developing and developed countries. the control of the disease is limited because our understanding of basic aspects of the epidemiology, including the transmission routes of leptospires among rat populations, remains incomplete. through the ability to distinguish among leptospira strains in rats, multispacer sequence typing (mst) could provide a modern understanding of leptospira epidemiology; however, to our knowledge, the distribution ...201526447693
first observation of leptospira interrogans in the lungs of rattus norvegicus.we report the first two cases of pulmonary presence of leptospires in apparently healthy rats captured in a city park in lyon (france). only renal carriage of leptospira has been described in the literature. blood serology was performed in parallel with molecular and histological analyses of the kidney and lung samples. we isolated leptospires from the kidneys of two out of three seropositive wild rats. these results were confirmed by specific detection of pathogenic leptospira by real-time pcr. ...201627800495
rats, cities, people, and pathogens: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of literature regarding the ecology of rat-associated zoonoses in urban centers.urban norway and black rats (rattus norvegicus and rattus rattus) are the source of a number of pathogens responsible for significant human morbidity and mortality in cities around the world. these pathogens include zoonotic bacteria (leptospira interrogans, yersina pestis, rickettsia typhi, bartonella spp., streptobacillus moniliformis), viruses (seoul hantavirus), and parasites (angiostrongylus cantonensis). a more complete understanding of the ecology of these pathogens in people and rats is ...201323590323
prevalence and characteristics of escherichia coli and salmonella spp. in the feces of wild urban norway and black rats (rattus norvegicus and rattus rattus) from an inner-city neighborhood of vancouver, canada.although rat feces are widely suspected to be a source of pathogenic bacteria, few investigators have studied fecal pathogens in rats. we investigated the prevalence and characteristics of escherichia coli and salmonella spp. in norway and black rats (rattus norvegicus and rattus rattus, respectively) from an urban neighborhood of vancouver, canada, collected september 2011-august 2012. colon content was cultured for e. coli and salmonella spp. and screened for the seven most-common enteropathog ...201525932669
a survey of rodent-borne pathogens carried by wild rattus spp. in northern examine the prevalence of human pathogens carried by rats in urban areas in hanoi and hai phong, vietnam, we live-trapped 100 rats in january 2011 and screened them for a panel of bacteria and viruses. antibodies against leptospira interrogans (22·0%), seoul virus (14·0%) and rat hepatitis e virus (23·0%) were detected in rats, but antibodies against yersinia pestis were not detected. antibodies against l. interrogans and seoul virus were found only in adult rats. in contrast, antibodies to r ...201323114204
multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis of leptospira interrogans and leptospira borgpetersenii isolated from small feral and wild mammals in east asia.leptospira spp. are the causative agents of a worldwide zoonosis, leptospirosis, maintained by various mammals. each leptospira serovar is frequently associated with a particular maintenance host, and recently, leptospira genotype-host association has also been suggested to limit serovars to restricted areas. we investigated the molecular characteristics of l. interrogans and l. borgpetersenii which were isolated from small feral and wild animals in four east asian states using multiple-locus va ...201526296603
highly pathogenic leptospira found in urban brown rats (rattus norvegicus) in the largest cities of sweden.leptospirosis is an emerging zoonosis of global concern; however, its contemporary occurrence in sweden, a european country partly located north of the arctic circle, is poorly known. four out of 30 brown rats, captured within urban districts in sweden, were found to be positive for antibodies to leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae. this serovar causes weil's disease in humans, a severe infection with jaundice, renal failure, and hemorrhage. our study is the first finding of this ...201526579782
is it too cold for leptospira interrrogans transmission on the faroese islands?leptospira interrogans is a bacterium that can infect most mammal species. brown rats are considered to be one of the most important reservoirs of leptospira because they frequently are infected and live in close proximity to humans. past studies of prevalence of leptospira in brown rats indicate that temperature--both high and low--may negatively affect the prevalence rate in rats, so that leptospira is rare or even absent at temperatures below 7-8 °c. here we investigated the prevalence of inf ...201626442766
human leptospirosis in seychelles: a prospective study confirms the heavy burden of the disease but suggests that rats are not the main reservoir.leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis caused by pathogenic leptospira for which rats are considered as the main reservoir. disease incidence is higher in tropical countries, especially in insular ecosystems. our objectives were to determine the current burden of leptospirosis in seychelles, a country ranking first worldwide according to historical data, to establish epidemiological links between animal reservoirs and human disease, and to identify drivers of transmission.201728846678
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