
[on tube-like extrusions on the cell membrane of macrogametocytes of eimeria perforans]. 196314098701
[electron microscopic studies on the interrelation between the cell parasite eimeria perforans and its host cell]. 196314098702
[electronmicroscopic-cytochemical evidence of glycogen in eimeria perforans]. 196414335072
prevalence, infectivity and oocyst sporulation time of rabbit-coccidia in taiwan.prevalence of eimeria species parasitizing rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) in taiwan were investigated. six eimeria species, namely: eimeria media (prevalence, 158/642; 24.6%), eimeria magna (101/642; 15.7%), eimeria perforans (58/642; 9.0%), eimeria coecicola (46/642; 7.2%), eimeria piriformis (16/642; 2.5%), and eimeria exigua (9/642; 1.4%) were observed. the overall prevalence of these coccidial infections in rabbits from pet shops and farms was 46.2% and 41.7%, respectively. concurrent infec ...201021399582
characterization of eimeria species. i. isolation and study of pathogenicity of a pure strain of eimeria perforans (leuckart, 1879; sluiter and swellengrebel, 1912).eimeria perforans was isolated in pure strain by utilizing specific biological characters and specific-pathogen free rabbits. the purity of this strain was demonstrated by measurements of oocysts, derived from a line, started by infection from a single oocyst. the parasite, when inoculated in large numbers, causes a mild disease response for only about two days.1979539069
[coccidiosis of rabbits and its control].the investigations were performed on 6 farm rabbitries in wrocław district. average extensiveness of coccidia infection was 95%, while intensity ranged from 50 to 408,700 ocysts/g of faeces. nine species of coccidia were identified. eimeria perforans (84.5%) and e. stiedai (73.2%) dominated, e. coecicola was noticed most seldom (20.7%). in young rabbits up to 3 months of life the infections were caused by 5-9 species of coccidia. however, in animals from breeding herd there prevailed infections ...19938346656
coccidiosis of the wild rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) in 1998-1999 a survey of coccidiosis in wild rabbits was carried out in six different localities in france. about five individuals were caught monthly in each locality and a total of 254 wild rabbits was examined. ten species of coccidio were identified: eimeria perforans, e. flavescens, e. piriformis, e. exigua, e. media, e. magna, e. coecicola, e. stiedai, e. roobroucki, e. intestinalis. intensity of infection in young individuals was higher than in adults. intensity was highest in winter but, ...200312669349
eimeria species in wild rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) in fars province, iran.this investigation was accomplished during february to november 2008. a total of 71 wild rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) of about 5 to 12 months age were collected alive from different parts of fars province, south of iran. faecal sampling was carried out directly from recti and the oocysts were isolated using sedimentation and floatation techniques and the sporulated oocyst were identified based on morphological and biological characteristics. all the rabbits were apparently healthy and showed ...201021399588
exogenous and endogenous stages of eimeria perforans naturally infected domestic rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) in saudi arabia: light microscopic study.exogenous and endogenous stages of eimeria perforans naturally infected rabbits in saudi arabia were described. the prevalence of infection was 75%. oocysts were ovoid to elliptical and measured 16 × 10 μm. the four dizoic sporocysts were ovoid and measured 7 × 5 μm. endogenous stages were restricted to the duodenum. meronts, microgamonts, macrogamonts and young oocysts were recorded and described.201223961159
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