
[studies on man-cattle-man infection cycle of sarcocystis hominis in yunnan].the present paper reports on the results of an experimental study on man-cattle-man infection of sarcocystis hominis, found in yunnan province. about ten thousand sporocysts collected from the feces of persons naturally infected with sarcocystis hominis were fed to a calf, which was dissected 150 days later. numerous cysts of sarcocystis hominis were found in the cardiac and skeletal muscles. by light microscopy, the cyst wall of fresh preparation showed numerous thick, finger-like projections, ...19902114230
ultrastructural differentiation between sarcocysts of sarcocystis hirsuta and sarcocystis hominis.the ultrastructure of macroscopic (2-7 mm) sarcocystis hirsuta sarcocysts from naturally infected cattle from new zealand was compared with the ultrastructure of 222-day-old s. hominis in experimentally infected cattle in the united states. the villar protrusions of s. hirsuta were approximately 8 microns long, constricted at the base, expanded laterally in the mid-region and tapered distally. some of the villar tips were folded to form two to four conical projections. the distal portion of the ...19892511660
the prevalence and identity of sarcocystis in beef cattle in new zealand.muscle tissue from the oesophagus and diaphragm of 500 beef cattle slaughtered in new zealand was examined for sarcocystis infection by microscopic examination of cysts isolated from muscle samples. all cattle were infected with sarcocystis; based on light microscopy of cysts, 98% had thin-walled sarcocystis cruzi cysts and 79.8% had thick-walled (sarcocystis hirsuta/sarcocystis hominis) cysts. cysts were also collected for electron microscopy and transmission experiments. thick-walled cysts cou ...19873113040
experimental sarcocystis hominis infection in cattle: lesions and ultrastructure of sarcocysts.five calves inoculated orally with 10(5)-10(6) sporocysts of sarcocystis hominis from human feces were necropsied 10, 18, 24, 111, and 222 days postinoculation (dpi). calves became febrile (greater than 40-41 c) between 10 and 24 dpi and developed mild anemia (packed cell volumes were reduced by 40% of initial values) between 29 and 57 dpi but otherwise remained clinically normal. focal hepatitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, and myocarditis were seen in calves at 10, 18, and 24 dpi. no stages of t ...19883138399
human intestinal sarcosporidiosis: report of six cases.specimens of resected small intestine from six patients aged 3 to 70 years with acute enteritis contained sexual forms of sarcosporidia. histopathologically, the diagnoses were either segmental eosinophilic enteritis or segmental necrotizing enteritis. the presence of sarcosporidia in market beef (bos indicus), and the patients' habit of eating the beef uncooked in the form of chili-hot dishes, suggest that the species is an ox-man parasite similar to sarcocystis hominis (railliet and lucet, 189 ...19826800273
evaluation of two neospora caninum recombinant antigens for use in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of bovine neosporosis.neospora caninum is a recently described apicomplexan parasite which causes paralysis and death in dogs. neospora parasites also cause abortion and neonatal morbidity in cattle, sheep, goats, and horses, and neosporosis is emerging as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. the purpose of this study was to identify n. caninum cdna clones encoding antigens that would be useful for the immunodiagnosis of bovine neosporosis. two n. caninum tachyzoite cdna clones expressing antigens that we ...19968705668
serological diagnosis of bovine neosporosis by neospora caninum monoclonal antibody-based competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.neospora caninum, a protozoan parasite closely related to toxoplasma gondii, causes abortion and congenital infection in cattle. to investigate specific methods of antemortem diagnosis, the antibody responses of infected cows were evaluated by immunoblot assay and competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ci-elisa) by using a monoclonal antibody (mab), mab 4a4-2, against n. caninum tachyzoites. mab 4a4-2 bound diffusely to the exterior surface of n. caninum tachyzoites and recogn ...19968735092
characterization of bovine sarcocystis species by analysis of their 18s ribosomal dna sequences.two sarcocystis hirsuta isolates from 2 cattle (bos taurus), 2 sarcocystis hominis-like isolates from 2 cattle, 1 each sarcocystis hominis-like isolate from a zoo-born dwarf zebu (b. taurus) and from a zoo-born bison (bison bison), and 1 each sarcocystis cruzi isolate from the dwarf zebu and the bison have been characterized by comparing the directly sequenced polymerase chain reaction products of their 18s rrna genes. sequences of 2 different isolates from the same species always showed a very ...19989488337
a survey of bovine, bubaline and swine sarcocystosis in the a survey conducted from january to december, 1994, muscle tissues in 12 out of 22 slaughtered carabaos ages 8-17 years old and obtained from the food terminal inc, abbatoir in laguna showed numerous white and creamy elliptic-shaped soft bodied macrocysts in the throat muscles. microscopic examination of the throat and cardiac muscle tissues revealed the presence of fusiform-shaped microcysts. our observations are consistent with previous reports incriminating sarcocystis fusiformis as the mos ...19979656372
first isolation of sarcocystis hominis from cattle in japan.sarcocystis hominis was first isolated from slaughtered cattle raised in japan. cysts were 1,220-4,460 x 80-384 microns in size and their wall was 3 to 6 microns thick and appeared radially striated in the histopathological sections because of the presence of palisade-like villar protrusions on the surface. the protrusions were 3.1-4.3 x 0.7-1.1 microns in size and had many microtubules in the core. two cynomolgus monkeys, macaca fascicularis, fed with the sarcocystis cysts began to pass sporocy ...199910331210
serological differences in neospora caninum-associated epidemic and endemic abortions.a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the sensitive and specific detection of bovine antibodies to neospora caninum was developed and evaluated using sera from cattle experimentally infected with n. caninum, toxoplasma gondii, sarcocystis cruzi, sarcocystis hominis, sarcocystis hirsuta, eimeria bovis, cryptosporidium parvum, babesia divergens, and field sera from naturally exposed animals. field sera were classified using a gold standard that included the results from an indir ...199910461950
prevalence of sarcocystis spp. cysts in japanese and imported beef (loin: musculus longissimus).a survey was carried out to investigate the occurrence of sarcocystis infection in the loin (musculus longissimus) of japanese and imported beef. in all, the muscle tissue of 482 samples were examined by histological method. the prevalence of sarcocystis unspecified species cysts was lower in japanese beef (total 6.31%: 0% in holstein castrated, 12.96% in holstein milk cow, 3.33% in japanese shorthorn and 11.58% in japanese black cattle) than in beef imported from america (36.78%) or australia ( ...199911269330
identification of sarcocystis hominis-like (protozoa: sarcocystidae) cyst in water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) based on 18s rrna gene sequences.dna templates were extracted from isolates of sarcocystis hominis-like cysts collected from cattle and water buffalo, as well as from sarcocystis fusiformis cysts and sarcocystis suihominis cysts. the 18s rrna genes were amplified using dna from a single cyst as the templates. approximately 1,367-1,440 bp sequences were obtained. the sequence difference in isolates of sarcocystis hominis-like cysts from water buffaloes, and isolates of s. hominis cysts from cattle were very low, only about 0.1%, ...200111534667
[observation on the clinical symptoms and sporocyst excretion in human volunteers experimentally infected with sarcocystis hominis].to investigate the excretion of sporocysts and clinical manifestations in humans experimentally infected of sarcocystis hominis.199912563811
experimental sarcocystis hominis infection in a water buffalo (bubalus bubalis).a water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) was fed 5.0 x 10(5) sarcocystis hominis sporocysts from a human volunteer who had ingested s. hominis cysts from naturally infected cattle. a necropsy was performed on the buffalo 119 days after inoculation, and a large number of microscopic sarcocysts (approximately 5,000/g) were found in skeletal muscles. ultrastructurally, the sarcocyst wall from buffalo muscles has upright villar protrusions measuring about 5.6 x 0.8 microm with numerous microtubules that ru ...200312760663
sarcocystis spp. in human infections.sarcocystis species are intracellular protozoan parasites with an intermediate-definitive host life cycle based on a prey-predator relationship. asexual stages develop in intermediate hosts after they ingest the oocyst stage from definitive-host feces and terminate with the formation of intramuscular cysts (sarcocysts). sarcocysts in meat eaten by a definitive host initiate sexual stages in the intestine that terminate in oocysts excreted in the feces. most sarcocystis species infect specific ho ...200415489353
differential molecular identification of taeniid spp. and sarcocystis spp. cysts isolated from infected pigs and the present work, the species-specific identification of taeniid spp. cysticerci and sarcocystis cysts isolated from infected pigs and cattle was achieved by pcr. in particular: (i) multiplex-pcr derived from hdp2 dna fragment, specific for taenia saginata/taenia solium; (ii) pcrs and pcr-rflps of the rdna internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (its1 and its2) for the differential diagnosis of taeniids; (iii) pcr derived from the 18s rrna gene and sequencing, specific for sarcoystis spp. the co ...200616870346
eosinophilic myositis due to sarcocystis hominis in a beef cow.a case of eosinophilic myositis (em) in an 8-year-old beef cow was investigated. the animal originated from a herd in which a high incidence of the disease had been observed in slaughtered adult females over a period of 2 years. histologically, the lesions in the muscles were characterized as granulomas with a central core of degenerate eosinophils and remnants of necrotic muscle fibres, surrounded by a rim of epithelioid cells and fibrous tissue with an infiltrate consisting predominantly of eo ...200617067618
molecular-based identification of sarcocystis hominis in belgian minced beef.sarcocystis hominis, one of the three species of sarcocystis that cause muscular cysts in cattle, is a protozoan parasite that can infect the human intestinal tract. the objective of the present study was to develop a new molecular identification method capable of discriminating among the bovine sarcocystis species and to apply this tool in combination with stereomicroscopy to determine the presence of sarcocystis spp. in minced beef in belgium, with special attention to sarcocystis hominis. a p ...200717612088
detection of sarcocystis parasites in retail beef: a regional survey combining histological and genetic detection methods.sarcocystis spp. are parasitic protists acquired when undercooked, cyst-laden meat is consumed. while both sarcocystis hominis and s. cruzi encyst in beef, only s. hominis is pathogenic to humans. in this study, we used histological methods and novel molecular techniques to determine the regional prevalence and identity of sarcocystis spp. in retail beef. of 110 samples, 60 supported amplification of parasite rrna by pcr. all 41 sequenced representatives were identified as s. cruzi. to compare d ...200818939769
diagnosis of sarcocystis spp. in cattle (bos taurus) and water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in northern vietnam.our aim was to develop a method for species diagnosis and to obtain data on the prevalence of sarcocystis infections in cattle and water buffalo in the son la province of northern vietnam. meat samples of naturally infected animals were examined by light and electron microscopy as well as by molecular methods. a pcr of part of the 18s rdna gene followed by rflp analysis was modified to detect infections with different sarcocystis spp. in cattle and water buffaloes slaughtered in the son la provi ...200919783101
comparative evaluation of immunofluorescent antibody and new immunoblot tests for the specific detection of antibodies against besnoitia besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites in bovine sera.besnoitia besnoiti, an apicomplexan parasite causes economically important disease in cattle in many countries of africa and asia is re-emerging in europe. serological identification of infected cattle is important because introduction of these animals into naive herds seems to play a major role in the transmission of the parasite. we report new, simplified immunoblot-based serological tests for the detection of b. besnoiti-specific antibodies. antigens were used under non-reducing conditions in ...201020378250
prevalence of thin-walled sarcocystis cruzi and thick-walled sarcocystis hirsuta or sarcocystis hominis from cattle in iran.bovine sarcocystosis is caused by sarcocystis cruzi and is known to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in cattle. this species is distributed worldwide in cattle and is the most prevalent of the sarcocystis species infecting cattle. there is high infection rate of sarcocyst in cattle in iran, but to our knowledge, there is no study about identification of sarcocystis species. this work aimed to survey prevalence of s. cruzi cyst in slaughtered cattle of isfahan, iran. in this study, esop ...201020379775
sarcocystis sinensis is an ultrastructurally distinct parasite of water buffalo that can cause foodborne illness but cannot complete its life-cycle in human this study, we compared the morphology of sarcocystis sinensis and sarcocystis hominis, and assessed the infectiousness of s. sinensis for human volunteers. the cysts of s. sinensis were from water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) and those of s. hominis were from cattle (bos taurus). transmission electron microscopy of s. sinensis cysts revealed that the cyst wall had leaning, finger-like protrusions measuring 1.44-5.08μm in length and without invaginations on the tip surface of the protrusions. in ...201021236581
detection of a morphogenetically novel sarcocystis hominis-like in the context of a prevalence study in semi-intensively bred cattle in italy.the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sarcosporidiosis in semi-intensively bred cattle in northwestern italy. a diagnostic protocol was setup in which infected animals were identified by rapid histological examination of the esophagus, diaphragm, and heart and the detected sarcocystis spp. were subsequently typed using conventional electron microscopy in combination with molecular techniques. sarcosporidia cysts were detected in 78.1% of the animals and were seen most often in ...201121556683
detection of sarcocystis spp. in cattle (bos taurus) and water buffaloes (bubalus bubalis) in iran by pcr-rflp.sarcocystis species are cyst-forming intracellular protozoan parasites. cattle are mainly infected with sarcocystis cruzi, sarcocystis hominis and sarcocystis hirsuta. water buffaloes are intermediate hosts for sarcocystis fusiformis, sarcocystis levinei (s. cruzi-like species), sarcocystis dubeyi, sarcocystis sinensis (s. hominis-like species) and sarcocystis buffalonis (s. hirsuta- like species). the aim of this study was identification of sarcocystis spp. in slaughtered cattle and water buffa ...201426688630
sarcocystis heydorni, n. sp. (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) with cattle (bos taurus) and human (homo sapiens) cycle.cattle (bos taurus) are intermediate hosts for four species of sarcocystis, namely sarcocystis cruzi, sarcocystis hirsuta, sarcocystis hominis, and sarcocystis rommeli. of these four species, mature sarcocysts of s. cruzi are thin-walled (<1 μm), whereas s. hirsuta, s. hominis, and s. rommeli have thick walls (4 μm or more). here, we describe a new species of sarcocystis with thin-walled sarcocysts in cattle. two newborn calves were fed with sporocysts from the feces of a human volunteer who had ...201526243573
prevalance, morphology, and molecular characterization of sarcocystis heydorni sarcocysts from cattle (bos taurus) in china.cattle are intermediate hosts for 2 zoonotic species of sarcocystis, sarcocystis hominis and sarcocystis heydorni. here we report s. heydorni from cattle for the first time in china. sarcocysts of s. heydorni were found in muscle from 173 of 1,630 (10.6%) cattle in abattoirs (9.7% in skeletal muscles, 3.4% esophagus, 2.5% diaphragm, and 0.1% tongue; heart muscle was negative). by means of light microscopy, s. heydorni sarcocysts were thin-walled (<1 μm). using transmission electron microscopy, t ...201627362658
sarcocystis rommeli, n. sp. (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) from cattle (bos taurus) and its differentiation from sarcocystis hominis.cattle (bos taurus) are intermediate hosts for three named species of sarcocystis, s. cruzi, s. hirsuta, and s. hominis. recently, a fourth species was identified and named s. sinensis. however, s. sinensis originally named a species of sarcocystis in water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in china. based on unverifiable evidence, it was suggested that the same parasite infects cattle. in addition, s. sinensis was recently declared as nomen nudum because its naming violated the rules of international c ...201626111603
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