infection of duck plague carriers with pasteurella multocida and p. anatipestifer. | mallards (anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos) and white pekin ducks (anas platyrhynchos domesticus) were infected with duck plague virus and challenged with ld20's of pasteurella multocida and p. anatipestifer. there was no difference between mortality rates of duck plague-infected ducks and controls, suggesting that these organisms do not act synergistically under the conditions of our experiments. there was a difference of about 500-fold between the ld20 of p. multocida for mallards and that for ... | 1987 | 3034230 |
characterization of an avian cholera epizootic in wild birds in western nebraska. | avian cholera killed an estimated 2500 birds in western nebraska and eastern wyoming from 28 november 1985 to late january 1986. wild mallards (anas platyrhynchos) suffered the most losses. other wild waterfowl, wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo), a few domestic fowl, and a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) also died. pasteurella multocida serotype 1 was the predominant isolate from these carcasses. cold, wet weather persisted throughout the outbreak, but daily losses in the flock of 50,000 ... | 1988 | 3382368 |
pasteurella multocida serotype 1 isolated from a lesser snow goose: evidence of a carrier state. | pharyngeal swabs were collected from 298 lesser snow geese (chen caerulescens caerulescens) at banks island (northwest territories. canada) in the summer of 1994. pasteurella multocida serotype 1 was isolated from an adult male bird and p. multocida serotype 3 was isolated from an adult female goose. pathogenicity of the serotype 1 isolate was confirmed by inoculation in pekin ducks (anas platyrhynchos). the serotype 3 isolate was non-pathogenic in pekin ducks. this is the first documented isola ... | 1997 | 9131570 |
the effect of route of inoculation on the virulence of raptorial pasteurella multocida isolates in pekin ducks (anas platyrhynchos). | the purpose of this study was to determine the virulence of raptorial pasteurella multocida for ducks and the effect of various routes of inoculation on virulence. four-week-old pekin ducks (anas platyrhynchos) were challenged with one of three raptorial isolates (rtha-2, rtha-4, or weso-1) by one of five inoculation routes (intranasal, intraocular, intravenous, oral, and subcutaneous). ducks were monitored daily for mortality until 2 wk postchallenge. results indicated that the intravenous rout ... | 1999 | 10216767 |
effects of the lipopolysaccharide-protein complex and crude capsular antigens of pasteurella multocida serotype a on antibody responses and delayed type hypersensitivity responses in the chicken. | the effects of the lipopolysaccharide-protein complex (lps) and crude capsular antigen (cca) prepared from pasteurella multocida serotype a isolated from a duck in the philippines, on antibody responses to sheep red blood cells (srbc) and brucella abortus (ba) and delayed type hypersensitivity (dth) responses to bovine serum albumin (bsa) in the chickens were studied. chickens injected subcutaneously with lps and cca at 1 and 2 weeks of age and immunized intravenously with the mixed antigens of ... | 1999 | 10379953 |
occurrence of pasteurella multocida and related species in village free ranging chickens and their animal contacts in tanzania. | investigation was done to determine the presence of pasteurella multocida and related species in free ranging chickens and ducks, dogs, cats and pigs in three climatic zones (cool, warm and hot) of rural morogoro, tanzania. a total of 153 isolates of p. multocida ssp. multocida and related species were obtained by direct culture on blood agar, selective medium and mouse inoculation. p. multocida ssp. multocida was isolated from 0.7% of chickens and 7% of ducks. in dogs and cats, p. multocida ssp ... | 2001 | 11163704 |
comparison of methods to detect pasteurella multocida in carrier waterfowl. | we conducted laboratory challenge trials using mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos) to compare methods for detecting carriers of pasteurella multocida, the bacterium that causes avian cholera, in wild birds. birds that survived the initial infection were euthanized at 2-4 wk intervals up to 14 wk post challenge. isolates of p. multocida were obtained at necropsy from 23% of the birds that survived initial infection. we found that swab samples (oral, cloacal, nasal, eye, and leg joint) were most ef ... | 2003 | 12685076 |
pasteurella multocida-associated sinusitis in khaki campbell ducks (anas platyrhynchos). | pasteurella multocida group b, serotype 3, was isolated from sinusitis-affected khaki campbell ducks. to study the role of p. multocida in sinusitis, commercial khaki campbell ducks were experimentally infected with p. multocida alone or combined with escherichia coli. in expt. 1, experimental ducks were infected with p. multocida intranasally or ocularly. a comparison was done by intranasal inoculation with pooled nasal discharge from the affected ducks or phosphate-buffered saline. the ducks i ... | 2003 | 14562893 |
characterization of avian strains of pasteurella multocida by restriction endonuclease and amplified fragment length polymorphism. | avian strains of pasteurella multocida were typed by employing restriction endonuclease analysis (rea) and single enzyme-amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) to evaluate their applicability for epidemiological studies of fowl cholera outbreaks. a total of 72 strains isolated from different avian species (chicken, duck, turkey, quail and goose) belonging to various geographical regions of india were characterized. rea using two different enzymes hhai and hpaii produced 9 and 18 clusters ... | 2006 | 16427104 |
using amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis to differentiate isolates of pasteurella multocida serotype 1. | avian cholera, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium pasteurella multocida, kills thousands of north american wild waterfowl annually. pasteurella multocida serotype 1 isolates cultured during a laboratory challenge study of mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and collected from wild birds and environmental samples during avian cholera outbreaks were characterized using amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis, a whole-genome dna fingerprinting technique. comparison of the aflp p ... | 2008 | 18436655 |
development and evaluation of an antigen-capture elisa for detection of the ul24 antigen of the duck enteritis virus, based on a polyclonal antibody against the ul24 expression protein. | an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ac-elisa) method was developed for the efficient detection of the ul24 antigen of the duck enteritis virus (dev) using polyclonal antibodies. ducks and rabbits were immunized, respectively, with expressed ul24 recombinant protein. the igg antibodies against ul24 from ducks and rabbits were purified and used as the capture antibodies. the specificity of the optimized ac-elisa was evaluated by use of dev, duck hepatitis virus (dhv), duck hepati ... | 2009 | 19467266 |
fecal shedding and antimicrobial susceptibility of selected bacterial pathogens and a survey of intestinal parasites in free-living waterfowl. | free-living waterfowl residing in metropolitan parks in central ohio were surveyed for the fecal shedding and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, salmonella spp., and pasteurella multocida. in addition, a survey for intestinal parasites was also conducted in these same waterfowl to determine parasite burdens in free-living waterfowl. prevalences of 67%, 50%, and 0.2% of e. coli, c. jejuni, and salmonella spp., respectively, were observed for all water ... | 2001 | 11332473 |
effects of four antigenic fractions of pasteurella multocida serotype a on phagocytosis of chicken peripheral blood leukocytes. | the effects of four antigenic fractions of pasteurella multocida serotype a isolated from a duck in the philippines on the phagocytic activity of chicken peripheral blood leukocytes were studied by a flow cytometer. these fractions were the lipopolysaccharide-protein complex (lps), crude capsular antigen (cca), ribosomal fraction (rs) and outer cell layer (ocl). among these four antigens, only cca but not lps rs and ocl, significantly increased the phagocytic activities of mononuclear cells (mnc ... | 1999 | 10331204 |
phenotypic characterisation of pasteurella multocida isolates from australian poultry. | a phenotypic characterisation of 110 isolates of bacteria previously identified as pasteurella multocida was performed. reference strains of many of the currently recognised species within the genus pasteurella were included in the study. all the isolates had been obtained from australian poultry-67 from chickens, 42 from turkeys and one from a duck. ten different biochemical biovars were recognised amongst the isolates. four of these biovars, representing 91 isolates, were identified as p. mult ... | 1995 | 8748543 |
pathology of experimental avian cholera in mallard ducks. | mallard ducks (anus platyrynchos) challenged with two isolates of pasteurella multocida developed either acute or chronic lesions, depending on the isolate of p. multocida and the inoculation dose. ducks that died acutely of avian cholera had lesions of a hemorrhagic septicemia with widespread vascular damage and focal necrosis in liver, spleen and other organs. ducks that survived challenge developed chronic lesions in a variety of organs, including brain, lung, air sacs, joints, and eyes. some ... | 1980 | 7436961 |
effects of sewage sludge on the immune defenses of mallards. | sewage sludge contains numerous chemicals that, if ingested, could affect the immunological status of wild birds and, in particular, their resistance to infectious disease. mallard ducks were fed a diet containing 0, 5, or 20% dried sewage sludge from either milwaukee or madison, wisconsin, for 28 and 57 days, respectively. when subsequently challenged with pasteurella multocida, the mortality in the sludge-treated groups was no greater than that in the untreated control groups. there was, howev ... | 1990 | 2335161 |
Identification of Pasteurella multocida capsular types isolated from rabbits and other domestic animals in Mexico with respiratory diseases. | Pasteurella multocida is the causative agent of pasteurellosis, a major disease in most domestic animals and livestock. In this study, a total of 34 isolates of P. multocida from rabbits and other domestic animals from Mexico with respiratory diseases underwent polymerase chain reaction-based capsular typing. One sheep isolate was found to belong to capsular serogroup D, whereas the rest of the rabbit, sheep, cattle, pig, goat, and duck isolates belonged to capsular serogroup A of P. multocida. ... | 2011 | 22068635 |
loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay targeting the ompa gene for rapid detection of riemerella anatipestifer. | a novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay was developed and evaluated for the detection of riemerella anatipestifer (ra) infection. the lamp assay exhibited a higher sensitivity than conventional polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and microbial isolation. the specificity of the assay was determined by restriction enzyme digestion of the lamp products and detection of escherichia coli, salmonella enterica and pasteurella multocida. the lamp assay was able to detect ra effectively i ... | 2010 | 21040782 |
development and application of a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to detect chinese isolates of duck hepatitis virus type 1. | we developed a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) method for the detection of duck hepatitis virus type 1 (dhv-1) in the tissues of infected and clinically affected ducks and in chick and duck embryos. we found the assay to be effective in detecting the virus in china, where it is being used in studies on the epidemiology of the disease. we applied this simple and rapid diagnostic method to the detection of dhv isolates grown in chick and duck embryos and in tissues obtaine ... | 2009 | 18706944 |